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View Full Version : More proof of "shadowban" from Twitter

03-20-2019, 12:15 PM
And let's face it, they hold a lot of power, simply based on the size of the membership. But they have the ability to do things on the back end. And rather than have folks easily see their right leaning stuff deleted - they leave it there - but then almost make it completely invisible to others. It sucks as a company to do this - but more importantly, killing off one and not the other - not much difference than having news stations, liberals news stations, only reporting on their agenda, or bad or made up shit about the right.

This is FAR from an isolated incident. And the worst of all, is that it happens on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook... all the major social media sites.


Journalist Accuses Twitter of Testing More Extreme ‘Shadowban’ Technique on His Account

Twitter admitted on Monday to “removing” a post from Federalist co-founder Sean Davis, but the journalist claims the platform actually shadowbanned, or hid the content from other users.

The post, about Lisa Page’s congressional testimony, was shown as an active post when Davis looked at it on his account, but the URL actually displayed the same way as a deleted tweet for other users — essentially making it invisible to the public.

“Is @Twitter experimenting with shadow bans by deleting tweets so others can’t see them, but keeping them visible to you while you’re logged in? I had to re-publish my original Lisa Page transcript tweet because it was disappeared to everyone but me,” complained Davis on Twitter last Tuesday.

Then, on Monday, Davis published a follow-up post containing an email Twitter had sent to him which he says admits that the post had been shadowbanned.

“Our priority is to keep people safe on Twitter. As part of that work, we err on the side of protecting people and sometimes mistakenly remove content that doesn’t break our rules,” claimed Twitter. “When those mistakes happen, we work quickly to fix them. We have corrected the issue.” - In other words, we violate your accounts and delete shit about the right, and bad shit about the left.

Davis then questioned why Twitter would remove the post, but make it appear as though it had not been removed when Davis himself looked at the tweet.

“Twitter confirmed to me today via e-mail that it did shadowban one of my tweets about Lisa Page’s congressional testimony in order to ‘keep people safe[.]’ Twitter deliberately deleted the tweet/URL, yet kept it visible for me when I was logged in so I’d think it was still up,” Davis explained. “Titter [sic] claimed in its e-mail to me that it ‘mistakenly remove[d]’ a completely anodyne tweet about public congressional testimony, but didn’t explain why it left the tweet–and metrics showing no engagement–visible to me when logged in. Is conning users a bug, or a feature?”

“Twitter gave me no notice or explanation when it shadowbanned one of my Tweets about Russian interference in our elections,” he continued. “But what’s worse is how Twitter apparently gives its users the fraudulent impression that their tweets, which Twitter secretly bans, are still public.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/03/19/journalist-accuses-twitter-of-testing-more-extreme-shadowban-technique-on-his-account/

03-20-2019, 04:53 PM
Never use Twitter.

A waste of time for my part.