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03-20-2019, 02:14 PM
At what point do they stop taking over lives? At what point do folks on the left stop wanting to have the government baby them?

She wants to limit it, ignorantly, and force people to then have to see their doctor weekly, adding up that cost. :rolleyes:


Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

Nine years ago last month, I was struck down while crossing the street in Washington, D.C. My knee was shattered and I ended up needing two major surgeries and many months of physical therapy. All told, it was 18 months before I was able to walk again unaided. And the whole time, I was in severe pain, often excruciating. I wouldn't have gotten through that ordeal without pain medication. At various stages I was taking Dilaudid, OxyContin, or Vicodin. I hated the side effects, like nausea and confusion and sweating, and I was worried about getting hooked. But I didn't. As the pain eased, my doctors lowered the dosage until I didn't need it anymore. My knee still hurts, pretty much every day, but it's manageable. Pain medication helped me get through the worst thing that ever happened to me, and then I walked away from it. Literally.

So whenever I see meddling politicians trying to take those decisions away from me because other people make the wrong decisions, I get really angry.

So people who are genuinely in pain need to suffer, just because Kirsten Gillibrand wants to be president?

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/kirsten-gillibrand-is-a-pain/

03-20-2019, 04:25 PM
You could make a gallery from all of these liberal statements you find!:laugh:

03-21-2019, 09:22 AM
I had a surgery (quad bypass), the Doc gave me Oxy for the pain. I took but three tabs, hated the side effects and stopped taking the crap. But I'm NOT everybody. Some folks have a low pain threshold and may require more pills.

Here's what I really see tho, IF the Govt takes over health care the clowns in Congress are going to be the ones telling the Docs how many pills. They have ZERO knowledge of the patients, ZERO medical training but have the CONTROL over the system.

Get ready for rationing folks.

03-21-2019, 11:31 AM
hmmm so docs can give you as much legal heroin as they want and get you addicted but go on the streets to buy it and end up in prison. yeah, that makes sense!

03-21-2019, 11:35 AM
hmmm so docs can give you as much legal heroin as they want and get you addicted but go on the streets to buy it and end up in prison. yeah, that makes sense!

I agree in a round about way. But different story - what are your thoughts on having the government tell you how many pills you should be taking per day?

And for a lot of people, there IS NO alternative, not even surgery, so they need to take medication in order to have some form of life.

03-21-2019, 11:44 AM
I agree in a round about way. But different story - what are your thoughts on having the government tell you how many pills you should be taking per day?

And for a lot of people, there IS NO alternative, not even surgery, so they need to take medication in order to have some form of life.

we already have plenty of medical regulation, what is the difference here? I don't know about "no alternative". What I do know is it's already public that Purdue Pharmaceuticals bought doctors and told them to over prescribe opiods and directly resulted in the opioid epidemic. Pharmaceuticals are the legal drug dealer, but they are just as bad as the ones on the streets.

03-21-2019, 11:49 AM
we already have plenty of medical regulation, what is the difference here? I don't know about "no alternative". What I do know is it's already public that Purdue Pharmaceuticals bought doctors and told them to over prescribe opiods and directly resulted in the opioid epidemic. Pharmaceuticals are the legal drug dealer, but they are just as bad as the ones on the streets.

Because of size dosages, and what doctors who are actually SEEING the patients and then determining what level of relief is needed to help them. Why in the world should we allow the government to veto what the Doc says, and potentially leaving a patient less comfortable or in pain?

And yes, I know some have no alternative. My brother being one, so I see it first hand. He has had back surgeries, and then even a "massager" device attached to his spinal cord. Nothing truly works and the docs have admitted they are at the end of their ropes. He can't work anymore and is disabled. The medication helps him get off the couch, get outside and live a life. And there's a lot of people like that, unfortunately.

As for the epidemic... that is sad, and they should jail folks doing anything remotely nefarious. A doctor near me just got 20 years in the can for overprescribing! And there's a lot more like him too! But none of this should harm the true patients suffering.