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View Full Version : Georgia Southern University Calls Police on Students Exercising Free Speech

03-21-2019, 02:24 PM
This is what you get when you have folks wanting and needing others to hold their hands via regulations - and what you would see with too much govt involvement in things. Giving free speech is enough, no need to dictate it - and certainly no need to call the police. Would they have done the same if it were a liberal group? :rolleyes:

They should have simply complied and went about their way though, no need to push things.

But the University, and too many like them, are pathetic.


Georgia Southern University Calls Police on Students Exercising Free Speech

Students at Georgia Southern University were confronted by school staff and campus police last week while recruiting members for the Turning Point USA student group on campus. Staff told the conservative students that they needed to “fill out paperwork” in order to exercise free speech at the public university, and then proceeded to call the police when the students did not leave the public grounds.

An administrator at Georgia Southern University (GSU) told students that they needed to “fill out paperwork” in order to exercise free speech within the confines of the school’s designated “free speech zone,” a specific area on campus that school claims is approved for exercising free speech, as long as the space is reserved in advance.

The students, who were recruiting members for their Turning Point USA (TPUSA) chapter, decided not to leave an outdoor area on campus after GSU staff had requested for them to do so, resulting in the police being called as a last-ditch effort to force the students to comply with the school’s perplexing demand.

The apparent intimidation tactic, however, was futile, as the TPUSA students filmed their interaction with the officers, who admitted on video that they could not legally arrest the students for exercising free speech at the publicly-funded university, as seen in a report by Campus Reform.

“I don’t know of any laws you’re breaking,” said one officer, who said he was called by the university to ask the students to leave school property.

“If we do not leave, will we get arrested?” one individual can be heard asking a police officer.

“No,” responded one officer.

“Well, now, you will be judicially referred,” added the officer.

“What does that mean?” inquired a student.

“That means you’ll go in front of the Dean of Students for violating Georgia Southern policy,” responded the officer, suggesting that while the police cannot punish students for exercising their free speech rights on public grounds, the university can.

“They’re telling me you’re breaking policies, school policies,” added the officer, “But if you’re asking me about laws, which is mainly what I do here, I don’t know of any laws you’re breaking.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/03/21/georgia-southern-university-calls-police-on-students-exercising-free-speech/

03-21-2019, 06:32 PM
My my ... how the worm has turned.

"Liberals" calling the police because someone is exercising "free speech". Wonder what some 70s liberals think of that.