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03-22-2019, 10:57 AM
That's insane, and how is this NOT an emergency? I would have thought that a yearly number or more!


Overwhelmed ICE facilities forced to release 100,000 illegal aliens in the past three months

ICE detainment centers have become so overwhelmed with illegal aliens that the agency has been forced to release over 100,000 migrant family members in the past three months.

While speaking to reporters on Thursday, Nathalie Asher, a senior official with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, revealed that her agency has had to reallocate resources as it deals with a “crushing” surge of illegal aliens on the country’s southern border. ICE has not only been forced to reduce its activity in the interior of the U.S., but the agency’s overcrowded detainment centers have released 107,000 migrant family members in the past three months, averaging more than 1,000 illegals a day.

“What you’re looking at is our interior arrests have been affected,” Asher said, explaining why ICE arrests have dropped in the past few months. She said her agency is redirecting manpower to their first priority: “addressing what has been occurring and continues to occur at an alarming rate at the border.”

ICE arrests have dropped 12 percent between Oct. 1 and Dec. 29 of last year, according to the agency’s latest statistics released Thursday. Agents arrested 34,546 during this time period.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/21/ice-releasing-thousands-illegal-aliens/

03-22-2019, 10:59 AM
Drop the stupid wall and get money for detainment centers, easy

03-22-2019, 11:08 AM
Drop the stupid wall and get money for detainment centers, easy

Just keep increasing detention centers? LOL

How about compromise to partial wall in some areas, partial enhanced fencing, then use technology from there out to monitor and protect. More border agents and more facilities. These are all things that the left at one point ALREADY AGREED TO. And now don't. Fullfill the border act and protect for years and years to come. And yeah, of course some more detention centers as well, just not the sole act.

They can compromise on thise "big beautiful huge wall" and use enhanced barriers like Israel does in some places. Followed up with technology, and it can be as good as a wall. But continuing to let people in, or continuing to fight a battle of folks coming over the border, isn't the answer, IMO. Once over the border and caught, who knows what happens. Best to make it so they CAN'T come over, and eventually folks will even stop trying.

03-22-2019, 11:11 AM
Just keep increasing detention centers? LOL

How about compromise to partial wall in some areas, partial enhanced fencing, then use technology from there out to monitor and protect. More border agents and more facilities. These are all things that the left at one point ALREADY AGREED TO. And now don't. Fullfill the border act and protect for years and years to come. And yeah, of course some more detention centers as well, just not the sole act.

They can compromise on thise "big beautiful huge wall" and use enhanced barriers like Israel does in some places. Followed up with technology, and it can be as good as a wall. But continuing to let people in, or continuing to fight a battle of folks coming over the border, isn't the answer, IMO. Once over the border and caught, who knows what happens. Best to make it so they CAN'T come over, and eventually folks will even stop trying.

literally no one is against more border security funding, no one. trump originally wanted like a 30ft tall concrete wall from coast to coast. he went big and now that image is all people can think of. since then he's pretty reduced his demand to what you as describing and honestly I'm fine with it, but trump made this a huge fiasco and dems are dug in now.

03-22-2019, 11:20 AM
literally no one is against more border security funding, no one. trump originally wanted like a 30ft tall concrete wall from coast to coast. he went big and now that image is all people can think of. since then he's pretty reduced his demand to what you as describing and honestly I'm fine with it, but trump made this a huge fiasco and dems are dug in now.

And what you are fine with, is what he last brought forth to the left - and they shot him down. They won't compromise - they said NO WALL AT ALL. Some are even running on the idea that ALL the walls come down in 2020.

Again, he tried to negotiate just prior to the emergency - and basically it was a repeat of the 2006 act, but of course with increased length, and they said they wouldn't negotiate ANY wall. They said they would help fund things, but no wall. No point in just a center or centers or whatever and no way to fully protect the border.

Good thing is, most are saying that the SC will rule close to 9-0 or near, and that his emergence will be supported by endless precedent, especially on declaring and reallocating funds. I can't see it NOT getting done now. And it's about time. Now they need to enforce the law against any and all... and especially towards employers.

03-22-2019, 11:21 AM
Drop the stupid wall and get money for detainment centers, easy

Not only is that stupid. The Democratic Party opposes that too, their proposal includes REDUCING the number of beds available to detain illegal aliens. Not increasing .

03-22-2019, 11:22 AM
Not only is that stupid. The Democratic Party opposes that too, their proposal includes REDUCING the number of beds available to detain illegal aliens. Not increasing .

good thing I'm not the dem party

03-22-2019, 02:57 PM
good thing I'm not the dem party

From what I've gleaned, you are.

03-22-2019, 03:08 PM
From what I've gleaned, you are.

dang, I better be getting paid at some point!

03-22-2019, 04:22 PM
good thing I'm not the dem party
And who do you think here is going to believe THAT BONER of a lie? ... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/laughter.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

You're as BRAIN WASHED DEM as Hitler was a NAZI, THE END.