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View Full Version : ZERO Democratic Candidates to Attend Non-Partisan Pro-Israel AIPAC

03-22-2019, 11:41 AM
8+ million. I guess it's too small of a number for them to worry about. Then again...

They went out of their way to protect Ilhan Omar, and now ALL of them avoiding this conference? Do they not like Jewish folks suddenly? I hope a few votes come back to haunt them.


ZERO Democratic Candidates for President to Attend Non-Partisan Pro-Israel AIPAC Conference this Year

None of the 15 Democratic candidates for president will attend the AIPAC Conference this year.

Eight Democratic candidates for president announced they will not attend the pro-Israel AIPAC Conference this year.

The list includes Elizabeth Warren, Bobby O’Rourke, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand and Bernie Sanders.

This is the same party that refused to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar by name after her outrageous anti-Semitic comments.


03-22-2019, 04:39 PM
The new radical dem party has aligned itself with ISLAM. Just look at how they CODDLED their new RADICAL MUSLIM BITCHES in congress.

So why would they attend a JEW GET TOGETHER? Muslims HATE jews, so they can't do that.

Wonder how many jew voters are leaving the dem party?

One thing we can all be thankful for, there's no more wondering what the democrat party stands for anymore. The mask is off.