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View Full Version : Ten Arrested in Islamist Plot to “Kill as Many Non-Believers as Possible”

03-22-2019, 05:49 PM
Wonder if we'll hear the same old... "ISLAMOPHOBIA" BULL SHIT about this as we have AAAAAALL the other MUSLIM TERROR ATTACKS? Well... sure we will. I can't explain it, but the left just REFUSES, absolutely REFUSES, to BLAME ISLAM for TERROR ATTACKS. Could someone PLEASE explain WHY for me? WHY do leftists PROTECT murdering ISLAM and MUSLIMS? WHY do they DENY that's what the PROBLEM is? It's MIND BOGGLING.


Ten Arrested in Islamist Plot to “Kill as Many Non-Believers as Possible” - German Police

Ten men were arrested in Western Germany on the suspicion of planning an Islamic attack with the goal of killing “as many non-believers as possible.”

Police raids involving 200 officers detained the suspects who intended to carry out their attack using a car and guns, Frankfurt authorities report.

"They are believed to have agreed to carry out an Islamist, terrorist attack using a vehicle and guns that would kill as many 'non-believers' as possible," read the prosecutors’ statement. “To prepare the attack, they had already made contact with different arms dealers, rented a large vehicle and collected financial assets to use for the purchase of guns and the execution of the planned murders.”

The suspects’ nationalities have not been released, but an official statement says several of them are German citizens aged 20 to 42.

Three of the suspects, a 21-year-old and two 32-year old brothers, are associated with the local Islamist-Salafist community.

Additionally, items seized from the raid include 20,000 euros in cash, knives, small amounts of drugs, documents, and electronic devices.

It's not immediately clear how concrete the plot actually was, but Interior Minister Peter Beuth praised authorities' timing of the arrests.

“Police intervened in a timely manner to prevent possible attack plans at an early stage.”

With the possibility of bad actors arranging the New Zealand shooting, many people are wondering why the elite would choose New Zealand to be the location of a “false flag.” Vox Day joins Alex to explore all the facts thus far.


03-22-2019, 05:53 PM
What part about this are Europeans and leftist MISSING? WHY do they IGNORE IT? PLEASE... EXPLAIN IT... it's RIGHT IN OUR FACE... it's the 900 lb gorilla in the room, but democrats... THEY LOVE MUSLIMS and PROTECT THEM, even though their latest little muslim bitches that got elected are PURE ANTISEMITIC, and THEY KNOW IT, THEY PROTECT THEM... maaaaaan...



