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View Full Version : UH-OH... Big Trouble For a dem Front Runner Socialist Darling...

03-22-2019, 06:24 PM
These people are all garbage. It's just a matter of time before they're all taken down. If the republicans get their shit together, the dems don't stand a snowball's chance in HELL of winning in 2020...


EXPOSED: Bernie Sanders Gets Bad News After FEC Reports His Campaign Is Breaking Federal Law

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (I) may wind up winning the Democrat nomination for president come 2020.

As of right now, though, Bernie’s campaign is facing some serious problems.

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Then again, that’s what will happen when you openly employ an illegal alien.

Here’s the scoop… https://ilovemyfreedom.org/exposed-bernie-sanders-gets-bad-news-after-fec-reports-his-campaign-is-breaking-federal-law/?utm_source=realjack&utm_medium=twitter

Hey pete311 .... you PROUD of your party yet?