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03-24-2019, 09:52 AM
Those on the left, accept this sandwich for all of your hard work and determination. For all of your hatred for Trump and all of your hatred of America.

Enjoy. Savor the flavor.

And look, the idiots who have been awaiting this sandwich for so long, are giving a similar response. They too can take my bet. Funy how NOW we have to WAIT - when for 2 years they waited for nothing and harmed the nation.


Mueller Delivers Liberals A Giant Crap Sandwich

It’s not often I, like most of America, make a point to watch MSNBC or CNN. If I want to know what leftists are thinking I just imagine something so incredibly insane that there’s no way an educated adult would actually believe it, then double it and I’m there. But Friday night was an exception, I had to see how they responded to the news of the Mueller Report’s submission to the Attorney General and no further indictments coming. It was glorious.

You rarely get the chance to watch someone have to choke down a crap sandwich of their own making in front of the people they’d been force-feeding one to for years, but that was Friday night on cable news.

Rachel Maddow teared up.

Don Lemon, working both of his brain cells to their limit, wondered if President Trump not sitting down for an interview with Mueller “saved him,” then he brought on Dan Rather to discuss. I’m not making this up.

Everyone on those two channels should have been apologetic, gaslighting the country for 2 years before having the curtain ripped back so thoroughly should have been met with some humility. They should have been begging their audience for forgiveness. They were not.

Hilariously, these knuckle-dragging buffoons tried to play the “We have to wait and see what’s in the report” card. Suddenly, pragmatism and a desire to avoid speculation became the order of the day. It was as if the people who hear dog whistles in everything a Republican says had been deaf to their own voices for 2 years.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2019/03/24/mueller-delivers-liberals-a-giant-crap-sandwich-n2543591

03-24-2019, 10:09 AM
I really don't understand the point of this thread of that opinion piece. The report has not been released yet.

03-24-2019, 10:16 AM
I really don't understand the point of this thread of that opinion piece. The report has not been released yet.

No indictments of ANY one near collusion with Russia. Or, would you like to bet on that? Or, are you still running on that fake bullshit that the probe was supposed to be more than Russian collusion, that we should read the mandate. Well, we read it, and it's ALL about Russian collusion, and only incidental things that come up in the process.

The point as WE ALL KNOW was Russian collusion. The media outright accused him of this for 2 years. Leading Democrats outight accused him of this for 2 years.

It was wrong. It was false. No indictments. It's still wrong.

The point? To rub it into the faces of the folks who over and over went along with this charade, made accusations and such and supported the witch hunt.

Many liberals are beyond angry and near tears because they didn't get their way, because America WAS NOT harmed.

And they STILL hold out hope. Like you do. :laugh::laugh:

03-24-2019, 10:18 AM
I really don't understand the point of this thread of that opinion piece. The report has not been released yet.
You DON'T understand what the article is saying?

Well there's your problem... you're RETARDED.

03-24-2019, 10:21 AM
You DON'T understand what the article is saying?

Well there's your problem... you're RETARDED.

50-1 says he didn't read it at all. But yeah, retardation would explain things too!

03-24-2019, 11:38 AM
I really don't understand the point of this thread of that opinion piece. The report has not been released yet.

You said last week you would go along with the conclusion.

Are you once again changing tracks to try and cover your sniveling ass?

03-24-2019, 01:34 PM
I really don't understand the point of this thread of that opinion piece. The report has not been released yet.Guess the tears of the clowns on the left are premature, huh?