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03-24-2019, 09:56 AM
That's Ilhan Omar to her fellow radicalized muslims in CAIR.

Once again, rather than trying to unite folks...


Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Full CAIR Speech — She Calls on Muslims to ‘Raise Hell’ and ‘Make People Uncomfortable,’ Blames Trump for NZ Shootings

A Gateway Pundit reporter attended the Council on American–Islamic Relations 4th Annual Valley Banquet in California on Saturday evening — and recorded Rep. Ilhan Omar’s stunning speech in which she urged the crowd to “raise hell,” get in stranger’s faces, and “make people uncomfortable.”

Rep. Omar, who has faced backlash over her antisemitic remarks, was greeted with massive protests as she arrived at the event.

The speech started off in a pretty standard fashion, with the Congresswoman acknowledging that it has been a very hard week for Muslims given the tragedy in New Zealand and saying how thankful she is to be in California with the people in attendance who are “fighting for justice, for equality, for the right for us to equally exist in this country.”

“Many people expect our community to feel like it needs to hide every time something happens — but repeatedly we have shown them that we are not to be bullied, we are not to be threatened, we are not to be terrorized. We are strong and resilient and we will always show up to be ourselves because we know we have a right to a dignified existence and a dignified life,” Rep. Omar said to applause.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/tgp-exclusive-rep-ilhan-omars-full-cair-speech-she-calls-on-muslims-to-raise-hell-and-make-people-uncomfortable-discusses-israel/

03-24-2019, 10:51 AM
There's a movement in the works to have this little BROTHER MARRYING MUSLIM BITCH IMPEACHED.

She's somewhere between phase 2 and 3 of the muslim immigration plan, and I would LOVE to GET IN HER FACE and MAKE HER UNCOMFORTABLE.

Muslims should NOT be in American politics. They are AAAAALL ALIKE. Every damn single one of them is a CARBON COPY of the next, and if you ever meet a "moderate" muslim, they're LIARS. They're just as radical as the next muslim, and they are ALL IN for their CULT.








Abbey Marie
03-24-2019, 12:45 PM
Rep. Omar, who has faced backlash over her antisemitic remarks, was greeted with massive protests as she arrived at the event.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/tgp-exclusive-rep-ilhan-omars-full-cair-speech-she-calls-on-muslims-to-raise-hell-and-make-people-uncomfortable-discusses-israel/

At least people are fed up enough to protest...

03-24-2019, 06:35 PM
At least people are fed up enough to protest...

I predict a lot more "FED UP" in the next few months.

03-25-2019, 07:33 AM
Make NO MISTAKE, this little muslim WITCH and her muslim cohorts want to TAKE AMERICA OVER, PERIOD. THAT IS THEIR INTENTION, and they will use any DECIETFUL MEANS NECESSARY to do it, or by FORCE, they don't care. So we have two choices, one, LET THEM, or two, FIGHT THEM. There is no third choice, because they do NOT assimilate and live peacefully in a host nation. They bring their CULT with them, and they want to IMPLEMENT IT where they ARE.

This is what happens when you choose number one, like France has... and THIS is what's coming to America... already is HERE in America...


“We will fight them until the entire world is subject to the rule of Islam”


I trust NO muslim... not a single fuckin' one of them. They are AAAALL together in their cult, and whether or not they'll ADMIT IT, they ARE. I think islam should be relegated to middle eastern nations and BANNED in the rest of the world. It's a stone age totalitarian cult of blood, subjugation and killing, and is just incompatible with modern western, free, PEACEFUL societies.

At some point, I do see people getting a belly full of muslims and there won't be any more coddling them and lying about their intentions or calling islam a religion of peace, and we'll have to repeat the crusades, because we didn't pay attention to history.