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03-24-2019, 11:13 AM
So then why the investigation? Why didn't congress handle this in their investigation if they had any proof of these lame accusations?

They now know they were wrong and are preparing for their next move in harming America - while one man works his ass off for America, the left works their ass of to help - themselves only.

So they as well have no confidence in his report and will ignore it? Yup, that's the left.

Who did the investigation for 2 years anyway? Mueller or Nadler or the democrats?


Top ranking democrat says Mueller report doesn't matter - "We know there was collusion"

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler confirmed Sunday that Congress will continue to investigate President Donald Trump regardless of the conclusions reached by special counsel Robert Mueller.

“We know there was collusion,” Nadler insisted several times during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” with guest host Dana Bash. “Why there’s been no indictments, we don’t know.”

Nadler listed the Trump Tower meeting — which has been the subject of numerous false reports — and the way Trump “pressured the FBI to go easy, to stop investigating Flynn,” and Trump firing Comey as evidence of the alleged “collusion.”

Bash pointed out several times that none of that rose to the level of indictment from the Mueller team, but Nadler quickly shrugged it off.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/24/democrat-nadler-mueller-report-collusion/

03-24-2019, 01:44 PM
They are in shock Mueller couldn't come up with something. Anything. I don't know anyone not guilty of "process crimes". They were SO sure.

Just as I was sure they would never except Trump being cleared. If the left doesn't like the answer, out come the tinfoil hats:tinfoil:

03-24-2019, 01:45 PM
They are in shock Mueller couldn't come up with something. Anything. I don't know anyone not guilty of "process crimes". They were SO sure.

Just as I was sure they would never except Trump being cleared. If the left doesn't like the answer, out come the tinfoil hats:tinfoil:

Who knows, maybe at worst he will recommend that the SDNY pursue charges on something. But even that would be a far cry from collusion. Nothing else even comes close to an impeachable offense.

03-24-2019, 01:53 PM
I agree there is nothing impeachable and never was. The shame of it all is the left doesn't recognize its own idiots like Schiff and Waters and purge itself of crackpots like that.

All this has been from the beginning, as I said in the beginning, is a stunt to draw attention and distract. They've succeeded, wasting half Trump's term in office.

03-24-2019, 02:00 PM
I agree there is nothing impeachable and never was. The shame of it all is the left doesn't recognize its own idiots like Schiff and Waters and purge itself of crackpots like that.

All this has been from the beginning, as I said in the beginning, is a stunt to draw attention and distract. They've succeeded, wasting half Trump's term in office.

I think now, or awhile back, they realized that they weren't going to be able to impeach this president. But they continue to run with everything and anything negative against him, true or not. They, meaning the democrats and the media, think they can control the elections, and they're sure as hell gonna give it the 'ol college try.

I think they'll run with ridiculous investigations to waste time & continue to basically lie, push & obstruct all the way to 2020 in the hopes of that negativity, that they can somehow blame on Trump. Not gonna happen. I think America already sees beyond the shenanigans.

03-24-2019, 02:23 PM
I think now, or awhile back, they realized that they weren't going to be able to impeach this president. But they continue to run with everything and anything negative against him, true or not. They, meaning the democrats and the media, think they can control the elections, and they're sure as hell gonna give it the 'ol college try.

I think they'll run with ridiculous investigations to waste time & continue to basically lie, push & obstruct all the way to 2020 in the hopes of that negativity, that they can somehow blame on Trump. Not gonna happen. I think America already sees beyond the shenanigans.I thought at the time, probably even stated it, the whole investigation was buy time to regroup, and the soonest it would conclude was after mid-terms.

I completely agree their entire game plan is to deflect and obstruct at every turn. They have no real power in the House so long as the GOP holds the Senate. All they can actually do is be a royal pain in the ass with all their obfuscation. And they're going to.