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View Full Version : Giuliani: Those Behind Mueller Probe Will Be 'Held to Account'

03-25-2019, 10:21 AM
Will those on the right finally take action, as opposed to just lame words? I believe, from uranium one, to the election, and then the coverup, needs a serious investigation. And I wholly believe that there are guilty parties. While I'm confident that I "know" some are guilty as sin, that's what they just did to Trump. So let's just have a fair investigation now and put it ALL out there, since that's what they want. Funny, Comey responded yesterday after the report and said "So many questions". Lindsey Graham later responded to him by saying "see you soon". And now that we are finding out more and more and more - we DO know for a fact now that certain folks LIED to congress. Doesn't that mean jail time?


Giuliani: Those Behind Mueller Probe Will Be 'Held to Account'

The person or persons who brought on the extensive investigation of President Donald Trump and his campaign will be found out, his attorney Rudy Giuliani said Monday while responding to Attorney General William Barr's summary of special counsel Robert Mueller's report.

"You're going to find out, believe me, who it was," Giuliani told Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "I can't give you a hint, working on it. I have got some theories and a lot more than theories."

That person or persons will be held accountable under the current Department of Justice and under Attorney General William Barr, said Giuliani, because "we're in an era of a real Justice Department where just because you have a D after your name, Democrat, you know, or Clinton or something like that, you still can be held to account."

The probe was thorough and carried out by "people who had a bias to get him, people who didn't want him elected, people who were crying when Hillary Clinton lost," Giuliani said, adding that Democrats "shameless" for their reaction.

He added that he and Trump are very good friends, and it was "horrible" to see him go through the investigation.

Giuliani said Trump's legal team didn't know what was in the report until they saw it, but he thinks it's "about as well-written a legal document as I have ever seen." Still, he thinks Mueller deserved "every bit of criticism he got."

Rest - https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/rudy-giuliani-mueller-report/2019/03/25/id/908513/

[B]NUNES: House Intel Will Make Criminal Referrals to AG Barr on FBI, DOJ Officials Who “Perpetrated This Hoax”


Attorney General Bill Barr released his letter to Congress Sunday afternoon summarizing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

BREAKING: AG Bill Barr Releases Letter Summarizing Mueller’s Report: “Special Counsel DID NOT FIND Trump Campaign Conspired with Russia”



Rep. Devin Nunes is referring will make criminal referrals to Attorney General Bill Barr on FBI, DOJ officials who perpetrated this hoax.

Paul Sperry reported:



Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/nunes-house-intel-will-make-criminal-referrals-to-ag-barr-on-fbi-doj-officials-who-perpetrated-this-hoax/

03-25-2019, 12:25 PM
Senate Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham Calls For New Special Counsel to Investigate FISA Abuses, Russiagate

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) called for a new special counsel to investigate Russiagate during a press conference on Monday.

Senator Graham gave a presser on Monday to answer questions about Mueller’s report and to talk about Attorney General Bill Barr’s next steps to release portions of the report.

Graham is scheduled to meet with AG Bill Barr right after his press conference.

“What I want to do is see if he’ll appoint a special counsel,” Graham said in response to a reporter asking about his upcoming meeting with Barr.

“I’d like to find somebody like a Mr. Mueller that can look into what happened with the FISA warrant, what happened with the counter-intelligence investigation…”

“By any reasonable standard, Mr. Mueller thoroughly investigated the Trump campaign. You cannot say that about the other side of the story and what I hope Mr. Barr will do is understand for the country’s sake, appoint somebody outside the current to look into these allegations.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/senate-judiciary-chair-lindsey-graham-calls-for-new-special-counsel-to-investigate-fisa-abuses-russiagate-video/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2019, 02:10 PM
I will not believe any punitive actions for the crimes these azzholes committed will happen until after they are tried and then incarcerated.
And the Clintons will skate, you can bet your last nickel on that. Bill and Hillary were in on this from the start. -Tyr

03-25-2019, 03:53 PM
Heads need to roll and be made examples of the kind of false and underhanded behavior
by the Clinton's, Obama, and Lynch. Also round up the fired Obama FBI hoard and put their
feet in the fire.

03-25-2019, 04:44 PM
Start at the TOP... start with fucking OBAMA. Can't tell me that greasy little muslim kenyan dog turd didn't know ALL about this shit, and it had his approval.