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View Full Version : And yet ANOTHER caravan is on it's way

03-25-2019, 10:49 AM
We were told "they are too far away, remind me again when they are here". And then record numbers for months came about with them sneaking in and/or getting caught. And here comes another caravan starting with 1200?

Yep, still don't see an issue at the border, all just fun and games!


Caravan of migrants in Mexico starts moving towards U.S.

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A caravan of some 1,200 migrants from Central America and Cuba began moving towards the U.S. border from southern Mexico this weekend, migration authorities said on Sunday.

The National Migration Institute said the migrants were already inside Mexico when they opted to form a caravan in the southern city of Tapachula on the border with Guatemala.

Early on Saturday, the large group of people set off towards the town of Huixtla in the southern state of Chiapas, a route followed by previous groups heading north, the institute said.

Caravans of migrants bound for the United States have sparked friction with U.S. President Donald Trump, who has accused Mexico of failing to contain illegal immigration and wants a border wall built to stop people crossing.

The new government of leftist President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has pledged to curb the migrant flows by better regulating the movement of people, and by offering job opportunities and better pay for those willing to stay.

The migration institute said the roughly 1,200 migrants were from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Cuba.


03-25-2019, 06:47 PM
President Trump needs to SHUT DOWN the border. Lock it up tight and not allow ANYONE in until this INVASION has been QUELLED.

The democrats are just SALIVATING over the UNDOCUMENTED DEMOCRAT VOTERS that are being allowed in. They're absolutely JUMPING FOR JOY.






03-26-2019, 01:09 PM

Central American-Caribbean Caravan of 2500 Heads to U.S. Border

A newly formed migrant caravan of more than 2,500 departed the southern Mexican border in Chiapas Saturday and is now traveling north for the U.S.

The group formed in Tapachula, Chiapas, over several weeks and is labeled the first Central American-Caribbean caravan since it includes a large number of Cubans.

The caravan departed Saturday morning at approximately 4:30 am. They spent the first night in the town of Huehuetán and later the outskirts of Huixtla. The caravan planned to reach Mapastepec by Monday, which would total approximately 65 miles since their departure on Saturday morning.

According to numbers released by Mexican immigration officials, the caravan consists of 1,199 Hondurans, 764 Salvadorans, 300 Guatemalans, 176 Nicaraguans, and 85 Cubans. Some expect the Cuban cohort to swell to 600 after immigration officials suspended the issuance of one-year humanitarian visas.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/border/2019/03/26/central-american-caribbean-caravan-of-2500-heads-to-u-s-border/

03-27-2019, 03:13 PM
No... there's no national emergency...

Border Emergency: CBP Detains 3,700 Largest Single Day Total in a Decade
