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View Full Version : The MASS BRAIN WASHING of Germany...

03-25-2019, 08:41 PM
... and this is on it's way to America...



03-25-2019, 08:50 PM
Leftist / Socialist / communist make me sick.....they all support "evil" to push their agendas...

03-26-2019, 02:43 AM
Living here recently I can tell you I think i know how hitler rose to power. Across my swatch of german friends I see fundamental acceptance to rules and law no matter their personal opinion. "Well, it's the law so..." is what I hear frequently. Those around me feel powerless to stop the machine - and yes, they absolutely brainwash their people from the youngest ages. From outlawing spanking of kids by parents, to essentially outlawing most businesses from being open on sundays, to doing almost ZERO road or other construction between 1600 and 0800 the next morning (for example, they close the autobahn for construction and instead of working round the clock to open as fast as possible, they work standard 8hr days by and large and what would take 2 days in the USA might take a week here) I am faced with constant lack-of-motivation to make things more-free. Better.

'course, they think RULES are better. They think the government SHOULD keep them safe. The Government SHOULD do this and that - the whole while most bitch about their outrageous taxes (sales tax of 19%, plus income taxes on 100,000 dollars at about 32%, plus 5.5% solidarity tax, capital gains of 25% + 5.5% solidarity tax, 9% for pension, inheritance taxes as high as 100%) yet they sit back and do as they are told. The toe the line. They follow.