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View Full Version : Pentagon authorizes $1 billion to begin wall construction

03-26-2019, 02:12 PM
And now how will this work out? Now they actually have the money to get started and I see no reason to fight against that. Hopefully hit the worst areas first.


Pentagon Notifies Congress It Authorized the Transfer of $1 Billion to Begin New Border Wall Construction

The Pentagon notified Congress Monday night it authorized the transfer of $1 billion to begin new border wall construction.

CNN obtained a Pentagon budget notification that was sent to Capitol Hill Monday night that showed up to $1 billion will go toward building 57 miles of border wall.

The Department of Defense authorized the Army Corp of Engineers to begin planning and construction for the project Monday night. The department will direct the funds toward 18-foot-high fencing along the Yuma and El Paso sections of the border, according to a letter acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan sent to Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/pentagon-notifies-congress-it-has-authorized-the-transfer-of-1-billion-to-begin-new-border-wall-construction/

03-26-2019, 06:40 PM
While apparently there is a federal law that allows for it, of course the Dems will fight this too. :rolleyes:


House Dems fight Pentagon request to divert $1B for border wall

Democratic lawmakers fought back against the Defense Department on Tuesday over its plan to shift up to $1 billion in military funds to pay for 57 miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, with the head of the House Armed Services Committee calling it "unbelievably irresponsible."

The Pentagon notified Congress late Monday that it had authorized the transfer of funds under a federal law allowing it to "construct roads and fences and to install lighting to block drug-smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States in support of counter-narcotic activities of Federal law enforcement agencies."

Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., said in a statement that Congress had entrusted the Defense Department with the ability to redirect a limited amount of funds "to give them additional flexibility to manage day-to-day operations. DoD’s recent notification of its intent to use that process to reprogram $1 billion without Congressional approval is a violation of that trust."

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-dems-fight-pentagon-request-to-divert-1b-for-border-wall

03-27-2019, 08:36 AM
What this is going to require is for Trump to just stop ignoring lower court orders, because yes some appellate court will rule that the Defense Department can't do this. And they will keep ruling against him until he just says "don't care"

03-27-2019, 03:10 PM
I've heard President Trump say over and over that the wall is ALREADY being built...

03-27-2019, 03:16 PM
I've heard President Trump say over and over that the wall is ALREADY being built...

Most of that, unfortunately, was replacing either old fencing, old barriers and "old" things. They wouldn't let him start "new" stuff, as part of various funding efforts. The left wants to be able to say they helped fund - but at the same time they say you can ONLY use the money for blah blah blah.

But NOW, now it's time to put up the REAL walls, the winners of the demos we saw. Some tall steel slatted walls - along with some good fencing in some areas - and then of course agents, centers & all the technology to monitor the border.

$1 billion from the Pentagon - PLUS - all the money recently authorized. A great start for now, finally!

03-27-2019, 05:10 PM
I've heard President Trump say over and over that the wall is ALREADY being built...


03-27-2019, 05:22 PM
Most of that, unfortunately, was replacing either old fencing, old barriers and "old" things. They wouldn't let him start "new" stuff, as part of various funding efforts. The left wants to be able to say they helped fund - but at the same time they say you can ONLY use the money for blah blah blah.

But NOW, now it's time to put up the REAL walls, the winners of the demos we saw. Some tall steel slatted walls - along with some good fencing in some areas - and then of course agents, centers & all the technology to monitor the border.

$1 billion from the Pentagon - PLUS - all the money recently authorized. A great start for now, finally!
The ‘Wall’ Continues to Be Built . . . Slowly
