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View Full Version : Leader Of New Zealand Mosque Blames Jews For Christchurch Massacre

03-26-2019, 02:43 PM
muslim people just simply hate jews. That will never change. They would rather sit here and find a way to blame this on the jewish people & ignore reality.

Look, I have sympathy for those killed and their loved ones. I literally detest haters like this. That's the beginning of radicalization, IMO.


Leader Of New Zealand Mosque Blames Jews For Christchurch Massacre

On Saturday, at a rally for the victims of the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand, where 50 people were murdered at a mosque, a well-known mosque leader accused Jews of being responsible for the massacre.

At the rally in Auckland's Aotea Square, Ahmed Bhamji, chairman of the Mount Roskill Masjid E Umar, which is associated with The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand, stated of the shooter who targeted the victims, “"I really want to say one thing today. Do you think this guy was alone? … I want to ask you, where did he get the funding from? I will not mince words. I stand here and I say I have very, very strong suspicion that there is some group behind him and I am not afraid to say I feel that Mossad is behind this.”

An onlooker shouted, “It’s the truth! Israel is behind this. That's right!"

According to Newshub, Bhamji also said the gunman was funded by "Zionist business.”

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/45130/well-known-leader-new-zealands-largest-mosque-hank-berrien

03-26-2019, 03:31 PM
The double standard here is horrendous.

Seems the muslims can rape, pillage, torture and kill innocent people the world over and we're all told not to blame all muslims.

But God forbid somebody knocks off a few muslims and all of a sudden it's blame an ENTIRE CULTURE of people by the muslims.

I hate muslims. I make no qualms about it, and I don't believe they belong in any modern western society, because they're SHITTY, BACKWARDS people. They don't come to assimilate, they come to TAKE OVER, and they treat their host nation and it's people like DIRT, and then spew this islamophobia bull shit.

Fuck 'em. I hate 'em all.