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03-27-2019, 06:18 AM
I don't want to say it goes as high as Obama as I really seen no proof of that other than circumstantial. We've seen much more direct evidence from quite a few characters in the DOJ and FBI. Then Yates and Rice. I think Loretta Lynch was involved or knew stuff. Hillary got the ball rolling on the entire thing. James Comey. Bill Clinton too. Clinton Foundation. Page and Stzrok. Andrew McCabe. Huma Abedin and Anthony Wiener with Hillary emails too. Lanny Davis. Donna Brazile. James Clapper. John Brennan. Oh, and of course Adam Schiff.

These folks were all involved somehow in the election run-up, the entire primary process, the general, the election and the aftermath saga. Some were lower level and some directly involved. Some with just helping Hillary and some in bringing down Trump.

And then some in the media, IMO, should be removed from their positions or certainly never taken seriously again. Not for reporting the news - but yeah, for NOT reporting the news - and reporting opinions and BS as FACTS over and over and over to the American viewers. These aren't all of them who lied and had TDS, just the worst of the worst.

Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Don Lemon, Joy Behar, Michael Avenatti, Ana Navarro, Jim Acosta (sure I'll think of more), Joy Reid,

Celebrities that can eat shit for their spreading of BS as well, and their TDS included. These are "special" people who have a special kind of anger and liberalism, and think their popularity makes them experts. :rolleyes:

George Takei, Alyssa Milano, Bette Midler, Robert Deniro, Kathy Griffin, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Amy Schumer, Chelsea Handler, George Clooney, Rosie the Pigwoman, Lena Dunham, John Legend, Cher, Rob Reiner, Lebron James, Lady Gaga, Jimmy Fallon, john Cusack, Jim Carrey, Don Cheadle,


Donald Trump: Phony Investigation Started ‘Very High Up’ in the Obama Administration

President Donald Trump said it was a “disgrace” that the phony investigation of his campaign for colluding with Russia began in President Barack Obama’s administration.

“It went very high up, and it started fairly low, but with instructions from the high up,” Trump said to reporters Tuesday. “This should never happen to a president again, we cannot allow that to take place.”

Trump commented on the case during a visit to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to meet with Senate Republicans after he was vindicated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s conclusion that there was no collusion between the Russians and his political campaign in the 2016 election.

When Trump was asked if the case ever reached the Obama inner circle in the West Wing, he replied, “I don’t want to say that, but I think you know the answer.”

He said that he wanted to stop the federal government and the intelligence agencies from ever attacking a future president again.

“I think what happened is a disgrace, I don’t believe our country should allow this to ever to happen again, this will never happen again, we cannot ever let it ever happen again,” he said.

On Monday, Trump said it was time to investigate Democrats for “very, very evil things,” and “treasonous things” against the United States.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/03/26/donald-trump-phony-investigation-started-very-high-up-obama-administration/

03-27-2019, 09:37 AM
I don't want to say it goes as high as Obama...
I do.

03-27-2019, 10:51 AM
I do.

Same here, that corrupt ass nigger was in on it.

03-27-2019, 10:54 AM
I don't want to say it goes as high as Obama as I really seen no proof of that other than circumstantial.

I do.

Well, my opinion is, without resorting to speculation, that is seems highly improbable he was not aware of what was going on below him.
This from the clown who said his "would be the most transparent administration" in recent history. Fact is, it was highly opaque.

03-27-2019, 11:49 AM
Same here, that corrupt ass nigger was in on it.
The fucker weaponized the IRS, why wouldn't he weaponize the DOJ and the FBI? Remember he was "keeping a list of his enemies," and anyone that opposed him "should be riding in the back of the buss," and "you didn't build that," and "those jobs just aren't coming back," sheeezuz... and the list just goes on and on. What a pathetic lying America hating toxic pile of rat shit.

He knew all about it sure as the damn sun shines. He got away with pretending he was born in Hawaii and that made him think he could get away with anything, and he WOULD have had that rancid bitch clinton got elected.

Stinking muslim kenyan dog turd belongs UNDER some federal prison. America started it's rapid spiral down the toilet with HIM.

03-27-2019, 12:29 PM
Oh, and don't forget Chris Cuomo. What an annoying bastard!

One by one I am sure they will all be called out, all of those who reported factual things about Russia and Trump. And they almost all still defend their words still. :rolleyes:

He NOW says "you guys are supposed to..." - but it wasn't a problem for the press to "figure things out" on their own up until now.

He STILL doesn't think CNN put out any false facts. I guess he got the memo from Zucker. And while they were busted lying - several times - and used anonymous sources non-stop that turned out to be bogus stories - he wants to now blame Trump for the way we all may see the media. Ummmm, no - because of all the LYING.


Rep. Sean Duffy calls out CNN's Chris Cuomo for media bias on Russia collusion

Rep. Sean Duffy called out CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night for his network’s role in promoting the Russian collusion conspiracy theory.

Duffy noted that special counsel Robert Mueller spent two years investigating alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and did not charge a single person for colluding. Duffy called the results “great news” for President Donald Trump and added that “it’s time to celebrate.”

The Wisconsin Republican turned his sights on the media, telling Cuomo, “We spent two years speculating.”

“What I think you want to know is, who duped us?” Duffy said. “You’ve been talking about this for over two years. You should say, who actually set this up?”

“You guys are supposed to figure that out,” Cuomo claimed.

“What you guys did is you reported on it,” Duffy countered. “You took all these salacious reports, you know, of all of this scandal and for two years. And you’ve gotta say, analyze how we get our information … I look at the American people and they go, ‘Do I trust the media? Do I trust the Democrats who have been pounding this story that’s absolutely false?'”

Cuomo blamed the president for Duffy’s perception of the media, citing Trump’s constant criticism of the press.

“If the media was doing its job they would be far more skeptical,” Duffy said. “You’re the reporters and you have a job to make sure you’re putting out the right facts. You put out the wrong facts.”

“What wrong facts did we put out?” Cuomo asked.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/27/sean-duffy-cnn-chris-cuomo-collusion/

03-27-2019, 12:53 PM
The democrats will circle the wagons and LIE in UNISON. One dem is just as filthy as the next. They ARE the PARTY OF TRASH.

They've been caught red handed, and yet they say, "what, who us, what did we do?" Filthy LIARS.

03-27-2019, 01:27 PM
The democrats will circle the wagons and LIE in UNISON. One dem is just as filthy as the next. They ARE the PARTY OF TRASH.

They've been caught red handed, and yet they say, "what, who us, what did we do?" Filthy LIARS.

It is beyond time to declare the DNC a domestic terror group, that is EXACTLY what they are. They use terror to promote a political agenda. For two years now they have been terrifying Americans by telling them that Trump is a Russian pawn, for political gain. The very definition of terrorist.

03-27-2019, 01:33 PM
It is beyond time to declare the DNC a domestic terror group, that is EXACTLY what they are. They use terror to promote a political agenda. For two years now they have been terrifying Americans by telling them that Trump is a Russian pawn, for political gain. The very definition of terrorist.
I agree. People need to HANG. And if I was that rancid pile of corrupt bat crap Hitlery, I'd be shitting my Depends. She needs to go down. But, she's on record as saying, "if I go down, I'll take half of Washington with me."

Sounds like a win/win to me.