View Full Version : 'hateful' note left on office door for congresswoman Ilhan Omar

03-27-2019, 11:27 AM
I don't trust either one of these women more than I trust a spider that crawls into my home. I normally say "wait for things to play out" - or at least take "facts" for what they are, unless more facts show otherwise.

I think one of these 2 made up this idea, or both. I have absolutely NOTHING to base this on, factually speaking. But I think both of them have hatred for Jews in their blood. They have both spoken out, but then had a soft hand slapping by their colleagues for saying anti-semitic things about Jews and Israel. I don't think either liked that, in fact, both have spoken out. I think they expected to be able to continue their rants in congress.

A great way to make the jewish people look bad with this note. Or to take away from their own words and change the focus.

I'm sorry, I just don't believe either one of these turds. Not for a single second. If its on their door - hopefully they have video evidence... then maybe I'll change my mind. 2 muslims known for their jew hating and then they get this...


Rashida Tlaib tweets photo of 'hateful' note left on office door for fellow congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib shared a photo on Twitter of an anonymous note that was left on her office door Tuesday accusing her colleague, congresswoman Ilhan Omar, of “disgusting Jew hatred.”


The message, written on a blue Post-It Note, reads, “Rep. Omar, Stop your disgusting Jew hatred. Your sign says ‘Justice for all.’ That means Jews too. Your jihab against the Jews will fail. Am Yisrael Chai!” The last phrase refers to a Hebrew chant that means “the nation of Israel lives.”

Rep. Tlaib condemned the poison pen letter in her tweet, challenging its author’s accusations of anti-Semitism.

“This is the hateful rhetoric & bullying on my door today,” she wrote. “Stop the fear-mongering and blatant lies.

“[Rep. Omar] and I fight for equality and justice for all,” she continued. “There’s nothing anti-Semitic about that!”

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/rashida-tlaib-tweets-photo-hateful-note-left-office-door-fellow-congresswoman-ilhan-omar-135517057.html

03-27-2019, 11:56 AM
Smells like Smollett.

Even if it's real, my heart pumps purple panther piss for her... fuck her. Send her sharia ass back to fucking Somalia. She's got no business even being here, let alone serving in congress on the FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE.

She MARRIED her damn BROTHER, and that's a FELONY, and FELONS can NOT be elected to public office... explain that one to me.

Oh... sorry...stupid me... she's a DEMOCRAT, and democrats get away with ANYTHING.

I asked pete311 how it is democrats support homo hating muslims, when homos are one of the protected toys of the democrat party. To date, NO leftist has been able to explain it... still waiting. Pete is MIA.