View Full Version : Memo to journos: If you're black, get out

04-01-2019, 01:22 PM
This ain't gonna go over very well! Think the black people in Georgia will be angry about this? Will catholics or the catholic church be condemned?


Memo to journos: If you're black, get out

“White press only!”

This was the warning emblazoned on the glass doors of a Savannah church, where an event associated with a Georgia mayoral race took place Wednesday.

Also Scotch-taped to the doors of the Historic Bolton Street Missionary Catholic Church: “No audio or video recording!” And “no media (TV, radio, etc…).”

Black political reporters were absolutely S.O.L. As noted by the AP, organizers convening to powwow about an upcoming mayoral race forbid anyone who isn’t white from entering the premises. As reported by the Savannah Morning News, black reporters were barred entry to God’s house while two white reporters were allowed in. TV cameras and recording devices were also absolutely forbidden.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/28/white-reporters-not-allowed-cover-race/


Ok, of course I lied about all of this and ALTERED much of the article. I changed 'black/white' wherever it was stated in the article. I also changed 'baptist' to catholic. I wanted to see what the initial reaction in folks head was? Did you believe it for even a single second? And what if, just suppose the reverse WERE in fact true - what would happen? Would they get away with it? Public and/or media backlash? More importantly, think you would see accusations of racism if it were a white only advertised event? Of COURSE the reverse would be national news and a major uproar. But when blacks pull shit like this? https://i.imgur.com/X2tydpb.png