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View Full Version : The jihadist schoolboy dubbed 'Osama Bin Bieber': killed by Isis

04-02-2019, 10:40 AM
I feel kinda bad for him. I mean, this was what, a kid that was so young when he went to help the terrorists, and then was with them for 3-4 years, and then killed when they no longer trusted him.

Fuck that, and fuck this little terrorist sympathizer turned into terrorist himself. Whether killed by fellow Isis members, or a 2,000lb bomb landed on his scumbag little head - I wouldn't have any sympathy whatsoever. In fact, I think it would have been awesome if they let Isis stab him a bunch of times, but not fatally, and then tie him to a chair and then laser his head for an incoming bunker buster. Ok, so they weigh like 30,000lbs, but an extra 28,000 on his terrorist head, just to ensure things.


The jihadist schoolboy dubbed 'Osama Bin Bieber': Teenager from Coventry 'fighting alongside ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria'

---Mohammed Hadi, 18, believed to have travelled to war-torn region to fight
---The former college student had become radicalised, it is said
---He is known as 'Bin Bieber' because he looks so young
---His father is reported to be heartbroken over his son's decision

A British teenager has joined the fanatical band of Islamic terrorists rampaging across Syria and Iraq and killing thousands, it has been reported.

Mohammed Hadi, 18, from Coventry in the West Midlands, is believed to have joined ISIS, an increasingly-powerful Islamic militant group leaving a trail of dead in the troubled region.

The youngster, of Iraqi Kurdish extraction, is known as 'Osama Bin Bieber' after the Canadian pop star because his youthful appearance.

Hadi is said to have been radicalised by extremist clerics at a madrassa (religious school) in the city and travelled to the Middle east with three other men.

He has posted pictures of himself on Instagram holding guns, and posted tweets claiming to be in Syria with ‘Dawla’, another name for ISIS.

His parents are believed to have reported him missing to police back in March. It has also been reported that police were previously warned about his growing extremist outlook.

Rest - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2665006/The-jihadist-schoolboy-Teenager-Coventry-believed-fighting-ISIS-Iraq-Syria.html