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View Full Version : If the President Closes the US-Mexico Border

04-02-2019, 01:43 PM
The immediate effect will be that no traffic in either direction can cross the border at legal crossing points. It's not going to stop illegal crossings. Meaning it isn't going to phase illegals. The same smuggling methods and points will be in place the day after it is closed that exist now.

So, the only people hurt by "closing the border" are the LEGAL migrants. Not only do I see such a decision as pointless, but it definitely has the potential of a PR/voter nightmare.

In practicality, it sounds the same as the gun control argument. All law-abiding gun owners must give up their guns, but everybody knows the criminals aren't going to think twice about keeping theirs. Meaning the only people to suffer the consequences are law-abiding citizens.

AND ... before anybody starts with the usual crap:

1. I am not speaking specifically nor personally about Donald Trump. I am speaking of a situation and part of the proposed "solution".

2. I live in South Texas. No one on this board save sassy and kathianne are as affected by illegals so I damned sure don't want them here. I don't even want anymore legal immigrants here but so long as they are within the law not much I can say on that.

04-02-2019, 04:03 PM
Dude, we're all affected by them in some fashion, you're on the front lines!! But we are FILLED with illegals in New York, and many many many from Mexico coming over the border. They just infiltrated further after YOU let them get past you, Marine! :)

But I agree. This will harm the innocent from various angles. I do think, with appropriate enforcement, it would in fact stop some of the illegal crossings, but far from stopping all of them. Many get professional help too, and know right where and when to go.

I know he's angry that the dems are playing the games that they are, and I understand and agree with some of his planning - but not this one. This will only cause harm and not fix the issue, not short term, and definitely not long term. Just a shitty idea, IMO. Just stay on the path of the emergency and continue to go for funding and seal the border better that way. Even without huge walls, put in what they call "smart fencing" and other enhanced technology in some areas.

Then I read this from McConnell. I know he often likes to play the middle, but he's right on this one. It would also be killer costly!

*Another subject but related. Mexico has been HELPING illegals in many instances get from wherever the hell they start, to the border. They need to stop this shit, or give them a good reason to stop!


The Latest: McConnell warns about impact of closing border

Senate Majority Leader McConnell says closing the U.S. border as President Donald Trump has threatened would have a "potentially catastrophic economic impact on our country."

The Kentucky Republican told reporters on Tuesday that he hopes Trump won't take that action. Trump last week said he'd seal the border in the coming days if Mexico did not immediately halt all illegal immigration into the United States. On Tuesday, the president said he'll take a wait-and-see approach.

That's good, McConnell suggested.

"Closing down the border would have a potentially catastrophic economic impact on our country," he said, adding, "I would hope we would not be doing that."

A closure would have enormous economic consequences for Mexico and the United States. Trump has threatened to close the border before but not acted on the threat.


President Donald Trump says he is taking a wait-and-see approach when it comes to his threat to close the southern border as soon as this week.

Trump is telling reporters as he meets with NATO's secretary general that he's pleased with steps that Mexico has taken in recent days and that, "We're going to see what happens."

But he says that he's "ready to close it" if he has to and will do so if Mexico stops helping or if he fails to reach a deal with Congress to overhaul the nation's immigration laws."

Trump is bemoaning current regulations and says: "We're going to have a strong border or we're going to have a closed border."


Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/latest-trump-taking-wait-see-approach-border-183107879.html

04-02-2019, 05:58 PM
Dude, we're all affected by them in some fashion, you're on the front lines!! But we are FILLED with illegals in New York, and many many many from Mexico coming over the border. They just infiltrated further after YOU let them get past you, Marine! :)

But I agree. This will harm the innocent from various angles. I do think, with appropriate enforcement, it would in fact stop some of the illegal crossings, but far from stopping all of them. Many get professional help too, and know right where and when to go.

I know he's angry that the dems are playing the games that they are, and I understand and agree with some of his planning - but not this one. This will only cause harm and not fix the issue, not short term, and definitely not long term. Just a shitty idea, IMO. Just stay on the path of the emergency and continue to go for funding and seal the border better that way. Even without huge walls, put in what they call "smart fencing" and other enhanced technology in some areas.

Then I read this from McConnell. I know he often likes to play the middle, but he's right on this one. It would also be killer costly!

*Another subject but related. Mexico has been HELPING illegals in many instances get from wherever the hell they start, to the border. They need to stop this shit, or give them a good reason to stop!


The Latest: McConnell warns about impact of closing border

Senate Majority Leader McConnell says closing the U.S. border as President Donald Trump has threatened would have a "potentially catastrophic economic impact on our country."

The Kentucky Republican told reporters on Tuesday that he hopes Trump won't take that action. Trump last week said he'd seal the border in the coming days if Mexico did not immediately halt all illegal immigration into the United States. On Tuesday, the president said he'll take a wait-and-see approach.

That's good, McConnell suggested.

"Closing down the border would have a potentially catastrophic economic impact on our country," he said, adding, "I would hope we would not be doing that."

A closure would have enormous economic consequences for Mexico and the United States. Trump has threatened to close the border before but not acted on the threat.


President Donald Trump says he is taking a wait-and-see approach when it comes to his threat to close the southern border as soon as this week.

Trump is telling reporters as he meets with NATO's secretary general that he's pleased with steps that Mexico has taken in recent days and that, "We're going to see what happens."

But he says that he's "ready to close it" if he has to and will do so if Mexico stops helping or if he fails to reach a deal with Congress to overhaul the nation's immigration laws."

Trump is bemoaning current regulations and says: "We're going to have a strong border or we're going to have a closed border."


Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/latest-trump-taking-wait-see-approach-border-183107879.htmlI am circumvented by law from enforcing Federal law and protecting the border from trespassers. And I've never been in charge of New York Harbor :)

I realize illegals are everywhere they can be exploited. They're just a lot worse here because of proximity. They can be deported on Fri and back in the US by Monday. None of them use the official entry. A lot of them swim; thus, the term "wetback".

I agree that it will have a negative impact financially, for all concerned.

I also agree Mexico should be doing more. Especially since it is illegal to illegally enter Mexico. They should never get past that point. However, closing the border in hopes it will have an effect on the Mexican government due to financial loss isn't worth the risk, IMO. That's a 50-50 gamble on a good day.

I DO think it will arm the Dem/leftwingnut propaganda wing with a LOT of PR ammo. Giving them ammo for no gain isn't worth it to me.

04-03-2019, 11:17 AM
The immediate effect will be that no traffic in either direction can cross the border at legal crossing points. It's not going to stop illegal crossings. Meaning it isn't going to phase illegals. The same smuggling methods and points will be in place the day after it is closed that exist now.

So, the only people hurt by "closing the border" are the LEGAL migrants. Not only do I see such a decision as pointless, but it definitely has the potential of a PR/voter nightmare.

In practicality, it sounds the same as the gun control argument. All law-abiding gun owners must give up their guns, but everybody knows the criminals aren't going to think twice about keeping theirs. Meaning the only people to suffer the consequences are law-abiding citizens.

AND ... before anybody starts with the usual crap:

1. I am not speaking specifically nor personally about Donald Trump. I am speaking of a situation and part of the proposed "solution".

2. I live in South Texas. No one on this board save sassy and kathianne are as affected by illegals so I damned sure don't want them here. I don't even want anymore legal immigrants here but so long as they are within the law not much I can say on that.

You're missing the point of closing the border. The point is to cripple Mexico's economy until they fold and start turning these damn convoys around long before they get to the US , which they could easily do.

Does anyone imagine that if these convoys were traversing the US to enter Canada to stay that Canada wouldn't be screaming bloody murder about us allowing it? Mexico is a terribly ally to the US. They are an enemy in fact.

04-03-2019, 01:52 PM
CONGRESS has been standing around with the fingers up their butts...declaring THERE IS NO PROBLEM at the border.

But...the truth is. Closing the border will allow the AGENTS to help with the rest of the OPEN BORDER....where the Dems insist....

there is NO PROBLEM. If Congress doesn't fix the problem....IMO...The border should STAY CLOSED...since...We all know. Many of the RICHEST DEMOCRAT MEMBERS OF CONGRESS make a huge profit on DRUGS, ILLEGALS, and prospective ILLEGAL VOTES.

Not trying to be a smart ass here. BUT...At my age...I AM STILL ABLE TO SEE WHAT THE TRUTH REALLY IS.

04-03-2019, 07:18 PM
You're missing the point of closing the border. The point is to cripple Mexico's economy until they fold and start turning these damn convoys around long before they get to the US , which they could easily do.

Does anyone imagine that if these convoys were traversing the US to enter Canada to stay that Canada wouldn't be screaming bloody murder about us allowing it? Mexico is a terribly ally to the US. They are an enemy in fact.I addressed that point. The potential cost is not worth any potential gain.

04-03-2019, 07:22 PM
Close it for a day... close it for two days... a week... see how mexico likes it. I'm sure we can survive a few days without traffic in and out of taco land.

It's been closed before and we survived. The hole point is to get the attention of mexico. Something HAS to be done, and I mean like YESTERDAY. This shit can NOT continue. It is PAST time to DO something. We WILL lose our national identity of this continues. America WILL become a SHIT HOLE. Every one of these fucking wetbacks should be ROUNDED UP and DEPORTED. The COST of them being here will cripple our economy. But then... that's EXACTLY what that filthy Nazi sympathizer Soros and the globalists want. Soros said years ago that taking America down was one of his goals, and our government is HELPING him, because we're subsidizing his shitty organizations world wide with millions of dollars. That greasy old turd needs a bullet right between the eyes.

Question: if the border was closed, would that also put on hold anyone crossing from claiming fake asylum? Would we have to catch and release them?

04-03-2019, 07:32 PM
CONGRESS has been standing around with the fingers up their butts...declaring THERE IS NO PROBLEM at the border.

But...the truth is. Closing the border will allow the AGENTS to help with the rest of the OPEN BORDER....where the Dems insist....

there is NO PROBLEM. If Congress doesn't fix the problem....IMO...The border should STAY CLOSED...since...We all know. Many of the RICHEST DEMOCRAT MEMBERS OF CONGRESS make a huge profit on DRUGS, ILLEGALS, and prospective ILLEGAL VOTES.

Not trying to be a smart ass here. BUT...At my age...I AM STILL ABLE TO SEE WHAT THE TRUTH REALLY IS.There has been a "problem" with the US-Mexico border since long before any of us was born. To lay it at the hands of any one party or person is just blaming the wrong guy.

It has been only until recently that the topic has been openly discussed and lines drawn/sides chosen. And yes, it is obvious who is sucking dick for votes. The only person I recall doing any more than token throwing words or money at the issue was President Reagan. The Republicans, afraid of their own shadows as usual, have just pretended as best they could the issue didn't exist.

This shit has been part of our daily lives here as far as I can remember. I'm for deporting illegals when and where caught. No bullshit hearing, anchor babies or any of that shit that makes it a cakewalk to just move their trashy. 3rd World society north of the border.

But I am for doing it right, and doing something that is going to work. I don't see this ("closing" the official border) working as anything but a backfire for the reasons previously stated.

04-03-2019, 07:36 PM
Close it for a day... close it for two days... a week... see how mexico likes it. I'm sure we can survive a few days without traffic in and out of taco land.

It's been closed before and we survived. The hole point is to get the attention of mexico. Something HAS to be done, and I mean like YESTERDAY. This shit can NOT continue. It is PAST time to DO something. We WILL lose our national identity of this continues. America WILL become a SHIT HOLE. Every one of these fucking wetbacks should be ROUNDED UP and DEPORTED. The COST of them being here will cripple our economy. But then... that's EXACTLY what that filthy Nazi sympathizer Soros and the globalists want. Soros said years ago that taking America down was one of his goals, and our government is HELPING him, because we're subsidizing his shitty organizations world wide with millions of dollars.

Question: if the border was closed, would that also put on hold anyone crossing from claiming fake asylum? Would we have to catch and release them?

Closed is closed (no entry...legal or illegal).....Open border is open for "legal" entry...

ALL...`Illegal`... "parasites" who refuse to fight for their own country (like `Americans` fought for theirs)... dont belong here and should be deported....either way the open border traitor Leftist will complain...

04-03-2019, 07:39 PM
Close it for a day... close it for two days... a week... see how mexico likes it. I'm sure we can survive a few days without traffic in and out of taco land.

It's been closed before and we survived. The hole point is to get the attention of mexico. Something HAS to be done, and I mean like YESTERDAY. This shit can NOT continue. It is PAST time to DO something. We WILL lose our national identity of this continues. America WILL become a SHIT HOLE. Every one of these fucking wetbacks should be ROUNDED UP and DEPORTED. The COST of them being here will cripple our economy. But then... that's EXACTLY what that filthy Nazi sympathizer Soros and the globalists want. Soros said years ago that taking America down was one of his goals, and our government is HELPING him, because we're subsidizing his shitty organizations world wide with millions of dollars. That greasy old turd needs a bullet right between the eyes.

Question: if the border was closed, would that also put on hold anyone crossing from claiming fake asylum? Would we have to catch and release them?WHich will do WHAT? Piss off Mexico? Make Mexico squirm temporarily?

While completely alienating the GOP from Hispanics.

Not worth it.

04-03-2019, 08:30 PM
WHich will do WHAT? Piss off Mexico? Make Mexico squirm temporarily?

While completely alienating the GOP from Hispanics.

Not worth it.
Pfft... alienate hispanics from the GOP... are you kidding? They are already.

But most that came here legally think this invasion is BS too.

I think it's worth it, because it's so bad now that we're going to lose this country. It can't continue, period. I don't give a crap what we have to do. The border has been closed before.


I don't remember any catastrophic calamity those other times the border was closed, and there's far more reason to close it now than before.

04-04-2019, 08:19 AM
I addressed that point. The potential cost is not worth any potential gain.

And that attitude sir is why we have been used and abused worldwide for decades.

Talk to people from the WII era about what THEY sacrificed in order to win that war.

See this is why Mexico , and other countries , do what they do, not because they don't realize we could crush them, but because they know we don't have the will to do so. "No we can't put tarriffs on China that may temporarily hurt our farmers" is the same line of thinking a "no we can't close the US Mexico border, that would temporarily hurt our economy"

You're a marine Gunny, you know about temporary sacrifice for the higher good.

04-04-2019, 11:37 AM
Pfft... alienate hispanics from the GOP... are you kidding? They are already.

But most that came here legally think this invasion is BS too.

I think it's worth it, because it's so bad now that we're going to lose this country. It can't continue, period. I don't give a crap what we have to do. The border has been closed before.


I don't remember any catastrophic calamity those other times the border was closed, and there's far more reason to close it now than before.Try living with and around them and working with them. They are far from "already" alienated. Mexican American Democrats are the only "no sale's". And they are dumb as any other Democrats.

The blue collar, working Mexican Americans I had as Marines, and worked with as an electrician can't stand illegals and unlike us white folk, they aren't afraid to tell you exactly what they think of wetbacks. They understand their taxes are being fucked just like the rest of us by our social infrastructure supporting people who don't put a dime into it.

Back to my OP: the only people hurt by "closing the border" are the law-abiding, tax-paying ones. It won't hurt illegals a bit. It will hurt the little man on both sides, not the governments playing with our lives. When you hurt then little man, THEN he starts re-thinking who and what he's voting for. That "Hecho in Mexico" shit ain't coming across and dropping into the sand. People on this side of the border are impacted as well.

Farmers down here are mostly Mexican-American and they're already taking a huge hit and living on Fed subsidies from the tariff bullshit. Pissing them off more to tactically accomplish nothing makes zero sense. I don't know about you, but slamming my own dick in the door isn't my idea of smart.