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View Full Version : American muslim applauds stoning

04-03-2019, 11:04 AM
Of course he does, he's a muslim, and he believes in sharia. The laws and customs that many want to bring here, and many here already want. Sickening people. I do like his term of describing them though!


US Islamic scholar praises Brunei's death penalty for homosexuality

n American scholar of Islam publicly praised the Sultan of Brunei for instituting death by stoning for “rectum-sex enthusiasts” in accordance with Sharia law.

Daniel Haqiqatjou, a Harvard alumnus and scholar of Islam, wrote an article on social media Saturday in which he fawned over the Sultan of Brunei for instituting the death penalty for “rectum-sex enthusiasts.” He urged other Muslim countries to follow suit. Haqiqatjou founded the Alasna Institute, which provides training in Islamic apologetics, and has been featured in articles on CNN, The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, The Atlantic and First Things.

“If you have had a rough week or are feeling down in the dumps, I have just the news to cheer you up. The Muslim country of Brunei is implementing hudud to crack down on sodomites and fornicators!” Haqiqatjou wrote on his website MuslimSkeptic, using the Arabic word meaning “punishments mandated by God.”

“The Sharia protects all of our rights, individually and communally. When rectum-sex enthusiasts are allowed to promote their gender-bending degeneracy openly, that deeply harms all of us,” he added.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/02/islamic-scholar-brunei-death-homosexuality/

04-03-2019, 11:12 AM
What do you expect? It's not like there is any such thing as an "Islamic/Muslim progressive"..... they all have that medieval mentality just some hide it better than others.

04-03-2019, 01:50 PM
I know it would never happen, but I wish backward subversives like this could be
stripped of citizenship and deported to the Muslim country of their choice.

One can only dream!:laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-03-2019, 02:28 PM
Of course he does, he's a muslim, and he believes in sharia. The laws and customs that many want to bring here, and many here already want. Sickening people. I do like his term of describing them though!


US Islamic scholar praises Brunei's death penalty for homosexuality

n American scholar of Islam publicly praised the Sultan of Brunei for instituting death by stoning for “rectum-sex enthusiasts” in accordance with Sharia law.

Daniel Haqiqatjou, a Harvard alumnus and scholar of Islam, wrote an article on social media Saturday in which he fawned over the Sultan of Brunei for instituting the death penalty for “rectum-sex enthusiasts.” He urged other Muslim countries to follow suit. Haqiqatjou founded the Alasna Institute, which provides training in Islamic apologetics, and has been featured in articles on CNN, The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, The Atlantic and First Things.

“If you have had a rough week or are feeling down in the dumps, I have just the news to cheer you up. The Muslim country of Brunei is implementing hudud to crack down on sodomites and fornicators!” Haqiqatjou wrote on his website MuslimSkeptic, using the Arabic word meaning “punishments mandated by God.”

“The Sharia protects all of our rights, individually and communally. When rectum-sex enthusiasts are allowed to promote their gender-bending degeneracy openly, that deeply harms all of us,” he added.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/02/islamic-scholar-brunei-death-homosexuality/

Too bad the American gay community that so faithfully support the dem party ignores that the dem party and these want to murder all gays muslims are bosom buddies and firm allies.
Such blindness/ignorance is a bit mind blowing to say the least, IMHO.
When they should be demanding the dem party choose between the two.
Trump should use that in his second term electioneering speeches methinks...
Also get conservatives speaking loud and long about it too... -Tyr

04-03-2019, 02:53 PM
We should send AOC and Omar there to straighten these people out.!!! :laugh:

Yet liberals (Ignorant Democrats)...still support Islamic fools in American gov......

TRUMP 2020!!:cool: Cure of Islamic and Liberal Cancer...!

04-03-2019, 07:42 PM
I don't know how many times I've asked a democrat to explain why they're so in love with muslims when muslims think homos should be killed, by whatever means, throw them off a roof, stone them to death, shoot them up in a fag night club... thus far no dem has even attempted to explain it.

I have a good idea why though... BECAUSE THEY BOTH HATE CHRISTIANS. Much like Hitler liked the muslims because they both hated jews.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."