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View Full Version : Merkel trying to figure out how Barry survived all of his treason She will need tips

04-05-2019, 04:31 PM
"Barack Obama Arrives in Berlin to Meet With Angela Merkel in Private "

`Former US President Barack Obama traveled to Berlin on Friday to meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel at her office in private.`



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-05-2019, 04:41 PM
"Barack Obama Arrives in Berlin to Meet With Angela Merkel in Private "

`Former US President Barack Obama traveled to Berlin on Friday to meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel at her office in private.`



Should read: Muslim Globalist puppet obama visit another piece of shit to discuss how to ffkk over USA. IMHO..
Of course one has to be careful here, when speaking about the lying bastard obama that some faithfully believe - would "never do anything illegal".
Such belief definitely points to either incredible gullibility or else abject deceit, blindness and/or stupidity, IMHO.-:laugh::laugh:- -Tyr