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View Full Version : New Gillette Ad Celebrates Obesity

04-06-2019, 01:06 PM
I'm sorry, this isn't something that should be used as advertising, to say is Aok to viewers. It's disgusting.


New Gillette Ad Celebrates Obesity

Gillette -- a company once known for selling razors -- has moved on from its war on men to something that is supposed to be more positive:


My colleague Deb Heine posted this tweet on our Live Blog today and my first reaction was that the sentiment here is horribly irresponsible.

I shared my anecdotal experience with weight in response, explaining that I've always fluctuated and whenever I'm even a little overweight I feel awful.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/new-gillette-ad-celebrates-obesity/

04-06-2019, 07:17 PM
I can't figure Gillette out. It's like they are suddenly determined to make a political statement with social impact instead of sell all the shaving BS they do. Identity crisis? What we can take away from all this is "Gillette" hates men and loves fat women.

Speaking of ... I'm glad I don't have to shave that "vast expanse" :laugh:

Here's MY political statement for social impact: I have a Schick razor and Barbasol shave cream. Does the same job and I don't have to hate myself in the morning :)

04-06-2019, 07:34 PM
I can't figure Gillette out. It's like they are suddenly determined to make a political statement with social impact instead of sell all the shaving BS they do. Identity crisis? What we can take away from all this is "Gillette" hates men and loves fat women.

Speaking of ... I'm glad I don't have to shave that "vast expanse" :laugh:

Here's MY political statement for social impact: I have a Schick razor and Barbasol shave cream. Does the same job and I don't have to hate myself in the morning :)




04-07-2019, 04:53 AM
Do obese people shave?

04-07-2019, 08:21 AM
Do obese people shave?

Noir...I am sure they do...why would they not?

04-07-2019, 08:26 AM
Noir...I am sure they do...why would they not?

In which case they would be an audience to target with advertising, no?

04-07-2019, 11:09 AM
In which case they would be an audience to target with advertising, no?

And the same thing, women with anorexia shave too, right? So you agree with putting this type of woman into advertising? There are MANY women who purposely under-eat as many over-eat. So as long as these people exist, and they count as an audience to target, that somehow makes it ok?


04-07-2019, 02:38 PM
And the same thing, women with anorexia shave too, right? So you agree with putting this type of woman into advertising? There are MANY women who purposely under-eat as many over-eat. So as long as these people exist, and they count as an audience to target, that somehow makes it ok?

https://i.imgur.com/OGvDh0p.jpgThat's a pretty good answer to a dumb-ass question, Jimbob :laugh:

04-07-2019, 04:56 PM
Fat acceptance is worse than fat shaming....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-07-2019, 05:28 PM
I can not "unsee" either of those pictures..
And each one is obscene to me, since unless its a medical condition the person is either crazy or blinded
or else unable to understand the harm they are doing to their body.....
I have never liked either extreme that was shown.. -Tyr

04-07-2019, 06:56 PM
I can't figure Gillette out. It's like they are suddenly determined to make a political statement with social impact instead of sell all the shaving BS they do. Identity crisis? What we can take away from all this is "Gillette" hates men and loves fat women.

Speaking of ... I'm glad I don't have to shave that "vast expanse" :laugh:

Here's MY political statement for social impact: I have a Schick razor and Barbasol shave cream. Does the same job and I don't have to hate myself in the morning :)

Money is behind just about EVERYTHING that takes place anywhere in the WORLD today.

04-13-2019, 10:32 AM
And the same thing, women with anorexia shave too, right? So you agree with putting this type of woman into advertising? There are MANY women who purposely under-eat as many over-eat. So as long as these people exist, and they count as an audience to target, that somehow makes it ok?


The end result is the same - overweight or underweight these women will be described as "disgusting" and be told that they should not be visible, because the sight of them //sends the wrong message// etc.

Abbey Marie
04-13-2019, 11:36 AM
Is that photo-shopped? Her legs look crazy big compared to her upper body more normal type fat self. It would probably take an hour to shave those legs!

I wouldn't worry that the ad sends the wrong message. If anything, it makes me want to be sure that I don't look like that. So perhaps it would be he cause of the start of a lot of diets, lol.

(I stopped buying any Gillette products decades ago when I saw what they did to rabbits in testing their razors).

04-13-2019, 01:18 PM
Money is behind just about EVERYTHING that takes place anywhere in the WORLD today.
Speaking of $, the "Gunny Consumer Report" (for those that give a rat's ass) is" :

I tried 3 Schick razors. IMO, the Quattro sucks. The Hydro 5 is as a good as any Gillette and replacement blades are less expensive than Gillette's 5-blade razor. Surprisingly, the Disposable Hydro 5 works better for me than the one you can buy replacement blades for (permanent handle). It's lighter and more flexible. Again, IMO.

Bear in mind I shave my head AND face and have hair that grows every direction except straight down :) so a 5 blade razor is much more effective for me.

04-13-2019, 01:21 PM
The end result is the same - overweight or underweight these women will be described as "disgusting" and be told that they should not be visible, because the sight of them //sends the wrong message// etc.The end result is who cares? Making fun of stupid people is a hobby for me. I have room to expand the parameters. Who gives a shit?

OMG. I'm bald and Jim makes fun of me :crying33 :rolleyes:

Grow up and grow some skin, huh?

04-14-2019, 12:50 PM
The end result is the same - overweight or underweight these women will be described as "disgusting" and be told that they should not be visible, because the sight of them //sends the wrong message// etc.

Who said they shouldn't be visible? They shouldn't be PROMOTED in advertising. Just like cigarettes aren't promoted barely anymore in the US, and many other things that are harmful to ones health.

04-14-2019, 10:51 PM
The end result is the same - overweight or underweight these women will be described as "disgusting" and be told that they should not be visible, because the sight of them //sends the wrong message// etc.

Wrong message sent? What are you blabbering about?

Anorexic is a mental disease. So is grossly obese with no shame or medical reason.

I had to pull a 350lb French-Canadian woman from a pool once. She was wearing a string bikini.
She was so fat I could not even get a control carry on her and had to get a handful of fat under her armpit
to tow her in. Fat as she was, she could have floated for days if she relaxed, but she did not know how to swim.

04-14-2019, 10:54 PM
The end result is who cares? Making fun of stupid people is a hobby for me. I have room to expand the parameters. Who gives a shit?

OMG. I'm bald and Jim makes fun of me :crying33 :rolleyes:

Grow up and grow some skin, huh?

Impossible request for this specimen!:lmao: