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View Full Version : More Leftist Bullying Indoctrination And Intimidation By School Teacher @ 11 Year Old

04-07-2019, 02:38 PM
What I wonder is... WHERE THE HELL IS BETSY DEVOS? Isn't she the Sec of Ed? Wasn't she appointed by president Trump? WHY in the HELL doesn't she DO something about this stuff, when we ALL know it's going on?


WATCH: Middle-School Teacher Forbids Child From Picking Trump As Her “Hero”. Let Another Student Choose Obama

Bias in our school system continues and it seems to be getting worse. According to a local news source in Virginia, Bella Moscato a sixth-grade student was given a homework assignment by her teacher where she was told to write about someone who she feels is a hero.

Bella decided to picked President Trump but after she decided to choose him as her hero, according to the student and her parents, the teacher forbade her from using Trump. The irony of this decision was that the same teacher allowed another student use former President Obama.

“Im incensed that a teacher would have my daughter do that,” Bella’s father said.

“She said that I wasn’t allowed to do Donald Trump because he spreads negativity and says bad stuff about women,” Bella said.

“The thing I didn’t get, she was okay with someone doing Barack Obama but not Donald Trump. That’s what got me angry and I didn’t like that,” Bella continued.

Bella’s father was furious while speaking at a local school board meeting. “My daughter’s hero is the president of our country,” he said which drew an applause from the audience. “I can’t believe that anybody at the school would tell my daughter that that guy can’t be her hero. I’m incensed by this.”

“This was really frustrating to me because my daughter has every right to do and pick a hero of her choice. It’s a first amendment right, freedom of speech, freedom of expression so it was really upsetting to me because she was trying to shut her down,” Bella’s mother said.

Dr. Kenneth Graham who is the local superintendent took the side of the teacher and seemed to indicate that Bella was lying in a statement.

“It is not accurate that this student was told that they were not allowed to conduct research or report on any individual for a school assignment including President Trump. To the best of our knowledge, by choice the student is still conducting their project on President Trump,” he said.

The Moscato’s are now saying that the statement from the superintendent made matters worse.

“I’m incensed that my story is said to be inaccurate by you. My story is not inaccurate. My daughter didn’t lie. No one should make a child feel that way and you’re supposed to be protecting my child. I’m still waiting for your reply,” her father said.

It’s pretty disturbing that the school superintendent is taking the side of the teacher. By making this statement, Graham is basically calling Bella a liar. Unfortunately this happens a lot in our country. The entire public school system is controlled and run by liberals who think that their opinions are best. Indoctrination is becoming the norm in the school system which is why we are seeing such a high rate of young liberals. It’s all a part of the Democrats’ plan.


04-08-2019, 11:04 AM
Sounds like a shitty school board to me. At my school ALL of our classrooms are video recorded CONSTANTLY, both audio and video so it would simply be a matter of checking the video to see what happened here.

And yes our teachers raised holy hell about being monitored , my answer was "good enough for cops, good enough for teachers" and I basically bullied the rest of the board into doing this, they were going to cave to the teachers.

Yes, I'm VERY hated by the teachers at my school. But the parents, the ones who are actually concerned for their children's education, they love me.