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View Full Version : Thank goodness they banned guns........?????

04-07-2019, 09:00 PM
Khan’s London: Average of 40 Knife Crimes Every Day....A Freedom of Information request by the London Evening Standard has revealed there are an average of 40 knife related incidents every day in the British capital.`

04-07-2019, 09:58 PM
Look out USA and NRA.

This is what the liberals want to have happen here, but in greater numbers
due to population differences with the UK.

04-08-2019, 01:43 AM
did y'all see folks are stealing London's Knife Amnesty Boxes?

04-08-2019, 06:24 AM
I guarantee, an attempt at total gun confiscation in America would result in all out anarchy. To begin with, my guess is half the states would probably tell the feds to go pound sand, that they wouldn't even attempt to go house to house and confiscate guns. Those cops would be shot before they got to the second house, ESPECIALLY in a state like Alaska, where many, many residents DEPEND on their guns to SURVIVE. You're not going to take their guns. It just isn't going to happen. You'd have to KILL them to take their guns, and the ones that did give them up that needed them, you'd be condemning them to death.

It'll never happen here. Not any time soon. Even states like Wisconsin here, the annual deer hunt is huge, HUGE business. We register anywhere between 600-650,000 hunters every Fall, and it's a BILLION dollar industry here. Take the guns away, no more deer hunting, no more small game hunting, no more hunting licenses, the state loses BILLIONS of dollars and our deer population explodes, and then we have a massive explosion in car/deer collisions causing major strain on the insurance companies.

No... gun confiscation here in America isn't happening, not for a long, long time.

04-08-2019, 08:37 AM
did y'all see folks are stealing London's Knife Amnesty Boxes?

Some recovered knives:
On the evening of March 13, the knife surrender bin in Weston was broken into by a number of people. ‘The contents were recovered a short distance away, and the whole incident was caught on CCTV. ‘We are in the process of identifying those responsible in order to bring about a prosecution."
