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04-08-2019, 02:03 PM
Another bunch of BS from liberals and they'll cry foul and use "phobia" and all other kinds of crap to try and get their way. And hey, let these guys do as they please with their lives - but you can't deny science and all the evidence and of course the non-stop results. And yet everyone else is wrong and only their feelings should be taken into account. Men are simply superior to women when it comes to physical prowess, strength & abilities in sports. That's not demeaning, just a fact of life.

These guys should not be able to barge into women's events and take them over, and take away the happiness and medals and trophies that other girls rightfully deserve.


How Testosterone-Fueled Trans Athletes Are Erasing Women in Sports

Last week on our Live Blog, my colleague Tyler O'Neil posted something about the ongoing controversy regarding transgender athletes competing in women's sports:


This is a hot-button issue that hits close to home because I am the father of a female college athlete, and I want to address this from that perspective.

True, I think gender fluidity is abject nonsense and am tired of being called "anti-science" by politically correct liberals who have altogether abandoned biology when it comes to gender and fetal development because the science doesn't support their insanity.

I am going to state something now that regular readers of this site no doubt agree with and is so patently obvious that it shouldn't be controversial: males and females are different.

I'll probably be suspended from Twitter if they ever find out about that.

Not only are there the obvious physiological differences, there are neurological differences that begin being manifested in utero. By no objective measure can gender be said to be "fluid." That's purely fantastical.

Some prominent female athletes from the past have been vocal about the inclusion of transgender females in competition. Predictably, they have been met with accusations of being transphobic.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/the-real-tragedy-of-transgender-athletes/