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View Full Version : Attorney General William Barr Says He Thinks FBI Spied on Trump Campaign

04-10-2019, 01:32 PM
I agree with him. And I think members of the DOJ did too. I have little doubt anymore.


Attorney General William Barr Says He Thinks FBI Spied on Trump Campaign

Attorney General William Barr told senators during a hearing Wednesday that he thinks that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) did spy on the Trump campaign.

“Yes, I think spying did occur,” Barr said. “But the question is whether it was predicated — adequately predicated, and I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated, but I need to explore that. I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually concerned about intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane, and I want to make sure that happened. We have a lot of rules about that.”

The attorney general said that he has not yet set up a team to review the FBI’s actions, despite a Bloomberg report on Tuesday that alleged he has formed a team.

“I haven’t set up a team yet but I have in mind having some colleagues pull all this information together and let me know whether there’s some areas that should be looked at,” he said.

Barr first announced during a House hearing on Tuesday that he would investigate the FBI’s “conduct” in investigating the Trump campaign.

“I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of 2016,” Barr said.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/04/10/barr-reviewing-conduct-fbi-investigation-2/

04-10-2019, 02:37 PM
EVERYONE was in on that shit, the fucking US Ambassador to the UN was requeting and receiving the unmasking of Americans caught on FISA warrant taps. Now what in the holy fuck doe the US Ambassador to the UN even have access to FISA wiretaps anyway, let alone why would they need to unmask American.

Obama was a dirty nigger who completely corrupted every agency of the Executive branch of our government.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-10-2019, 07:45 PM
EVERYONE was in on that shit, the fucking US Ambassador to the UN was requeting and receiving the unmasking of Americans caught on FISA warrant taps. Now what in the holy fuck doe the US Ambassador to the UN even have access to FISA wiretaps anyway, let alone why would they need to unmask American.

Obama was a dirty nigger who completely corrupted every agency of the Executive branch of our government.

Obama was a *dirty nigger* who completely corrupted every agency of the Executive branch of our government.

Say, I think you let your KKK robe show a little bit with that kind of language.
The N-word is not to be used methinks, since it highlights your very real and true bias.
I despise the dogturd traitor obama(not because of race) but I do not use that word to describe the muslim piece of shit.
Have a bit of class. If you know what it is...
This isnt the KKK board you know.. --Tyr

04-11-2019, 09:05 PM

04-12-2019, 03:14 PM
Say, I think you let your KKK robe show a little bit with that kind of language.
The N-word is not to be used methinks, since it highlights your very real and true bias.
I despise the dogturd traitor obama(not because of race) but I do not use that word to describe the muslim piece of shit.
Have a bit of class. If you know what it is...
This isnt the KKK board you know.. --Tyr
He's a mulatto anyway.