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04-10-2019, 01:38 PM
Surprised? Facebook censors, as does Instagram & as does the biggest search engine in the world - Google. All this social media and they try and block conservative efforts while of course doing nothing to the left. And one by one the truth ultimately comes out.

And of course they do the manual intervention, as any other route would hard code their efforts. I don't trust them anymore once I found out just how intensively they track all of our movements.


Google Manually Manipulates Search Results to Exclude Conservative Sites

Google manually manipulates search results in an effort to exclude conservative websites, such as the American Spectator, the Conservative Tribune, and the Gateway Pundit, according to documents leaked to the Daily Caller.

The documents leaked to the Daily Caller, which were reportedly approved by Google executives who report directly to CEO Sundar Pichai, detail two Google policies, known as the “misrepresentation policy” and the “good neighbor policy,” which determine what websites end up in the “XPA news blacklist.”

“T&S [Trust & Safety team] will be in charge of updating the blacklist as when there is a demand,” declared one document leaked to the Caller. “The deceptive_news domain blacklist is going to be used by many search features to filter problematic sites that violate the good neighbor and misrepresentation policies.”

“The purpose of the blacklist will be to bar the sites from surfacing in any Search feature or news product. It will not cause a demotion in the organic search results or de-index them altogether,” the document explained

According to the Daily Caller, a “manual review tool” is also “involved in maintaining the blacklist,” which includes “Gateway Pundit, Matt Walsh’s blog, Gary North’s blog ‘teapartyeconomist.com,’ Caroline Glick’s website, Conservative Tribune, a property of The Western Journal and the website of the American Spectator.”

In a statement, Google responded to the report, declaring, “We do not manually determine the order of any search result, nor do our algorithms or policies attempt to make any judgment on the political leanings of a website. Our Google News inclusion policies are publicly available online. They provide guidelines on content and behaviors for matters like sponsored content, deceptive practices, and more. Sites that do not adhere to these policies are not eligible to appear on news surfaces or in information boxes in Search. These policies do not impact the way these sites appear in organic blue-link Google Search results.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/04/10/report-google-manually-manipulates-search-results-to-exclude-conservative-sites/

04-10-2019, 02:25 PM
How come none of these folk ever get charged for lying to Congres during sworn testimony? The CEO of Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and Google have ALL been confirmed to have lied during their Congressional testimony in the last year, why haven't they been charged?

04-10-2019, 02:38 PM
Whenever you try to find something related to Trump, or Conservatives. GOOGLE instantly puts your request lower. SO....If you have the name of a Liberal, Democrat, or Liar from the Left....USE THEIR NAME FIRST..such as....Nancy Pelosi calls Trump a name, or Democrats pounce on Barr. It does make somewhat of a difference.

I have been running into that kind of stuff while looking for Youtubes that the Dems do not want seen.

It may not work all the time, but they don't know....Some of us Out here....weren't born yesterday. And I began using navy computers BEFORE the Internet was created. STICK IT TO GOOGLE. MAGA!

P.S. I am convinced "C-SPAN" is working with the Dems too! IMO.