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View Full Version : Click on the "like button" and now you're screwed!

04-11-2019, 07:42 AM
And hell, not even for writing stuff that may have pissed off some liberals. And not because someone attached audio of them speaking about something that apparently made folks angry.

Nope. Someone wrote something, and this guy clicked "like" - and now he's out of a job as a result!

Crazy times we live in. You have GOT to agree with others apparently. If you don't, there is hell to pay, either via your job or your home. :laugh: :rolleyes:

Click on something Trump wrote, and the NRA, and you done effed up big time! :laugh:


Campus Police Chief Put On Leave After Student Outrage For Liking NRA And Trump Tweets

On Friday, Mount Holyoke College announced that the newly-selected campus police chief Daniel Hect was placed on administrative leave after a backlash when students discovered he had liked conservative tweets on his Twitter account.

The whole ordeal started when Hect was appointed to lead the Mount Holyoke College and Smith College shared campus police departments. Then on February 6, Hect announced his new appointment at MHC and Smith on his personal Twitter account, The Daily Wire previously reported.​

“I am excited to announce I have accepted the position of Chief of Police at Mount Holyoke and Smith colleges, two of the most prestigious all women’s institutions in the nation,” he tweeted.

Hect’s excitement was short lived because soon after, students investigated his Twitter account, finding a few conservative-leaning tweets that he “liked.” Two tweets were from the National Rifle Association, one wishing followers a Merry Christmas and one stating, “If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” Other tweets were from President Trump discussing the border wall and the government shutdown.

The MHC student who shared screenshots of the tweet said it was “unacceptable for someone in charge of keeping any community safe, let alone a campus as diverse as MHC's, to be publicly displaying his support for hateful regimes and organizations, as well as for individuals who demonize migrants from Mexico or other latin american nations.”

Following the controversy, Hect and the colleges’ administrations hosted several events to try to ease the students’ worries.

Mount Holyoke community members were able to ask him questions at a March 21 forum. According to the student newspaper, the event “hosted tension and tears.” During the event, Hect said he wanted the campus police to grow a better relationship with the community so students can get to know “the campus police as human beings.” Many of the students' questions reportedly focused on his social media and his political ideology.

Hect told the audience that “when [Trump] did something that I thought he did well, I wanted to like [the tweets] in hopes to lead to more good behavior,” adding that he does not support Donald Trump overall.​

Hect also apologized for liking the tweets that mentioned building a wall, calling it “a huge mistake.”

After the forum, Hect sent an email to the MHC community, claiming he was “appreciative” of the “level of participation.”

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/45843/campus-police-chief-put-leave-after-student-kassy-dillon

04-11-2019, 09:01 AM
I watched a video where Dinesh D'Souza very correctly likened these leftist thugs to Hitler's Brownshirts.

They interrupt free thought and speech by screaming and intimidation, threaten those who do not conform to their way of thinking with bodily harm and make every attempt to silence all those who oppose them.