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View Full Version : Trump Doubles Down On Plan To Ship Migrants To Sanctuary Cities

04-12-2019, 01:21 PM
Funny how an idea like this pops up now after normal Americans have been suggesting this for YEARS! But hold on, the LEFT is BITCHING about it. WHY? If they don't WANT the illegal aliens, then WHY would they make their city/state a SANCTUARY for ILLEGAL ALIENS? If they're so GOOD for America, if the left LOVES them SO MUCH, what POSSIBLE reason could they have for NOT WANTING MORE?


Trump doubles down on plan to ship ILLEGAL ALIENS to sanctuary cities, says ‘Radical Left’ should be happy

President Trump responded to reports Friday that his administration proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities by not only confirming the plan but saying it remains under “strong” consideration.

Further, the president tweeted that relocating illegal immigrants to these districts should make the "Radical Left" happy.

The comments came after The Washington Post first reported that the White House proposed sending the detainees to sanctuary cities twice in the last six months. The proposal was first floated in November amid reports of a large migrant caravan from Central America making its way to the southern border. The idea was again considered in February, amid the standoff with Congress over a border wall.

The Post said the plan was shot down both times. But on Friday, Trump signaled the proposal isn't dead.

“Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only,” Trump tweeted.

“The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy—so this should make them very happy!” he continued.

The president doubled down as Democrats fumed over the relocation idea.


04-12-2019, 02:40 PM
I prefer we release them 20 miles off the coast of Mexico

04-12-2019, 02:45 PM
Pelosi loves illegal aliens, just not in her backyard..........



Why aren’t sanctuary cities calling the White House and saying, ‘Finally, we’re on the same page. We’ll

be glad to take them. We will happily take these little gifts of love’?

How in the world can this be a bad thing? Sanctuary cities love sanctuary cities. They love themselves.

They love illegal immigrants. Pelosi calls ’em ‘little gifts of love.’ How in the hell can flooding sanctuary

cities with illegals be ‘targeting political foes’ unless they don’t really want them?

Unless this sanctuary city thing is just some bogus construct to fool a bunch of gullible, lunatic leftists who

need a continuing reason to hate Donald Trump?

How can giving something or somebody these places eagerly want…? How can that be “targeting” them?

How can it be a dirty trick? How in the world can it be something that would be written about derisively .....

This is exactly the kind of thing Trump did during his campaign that had everybody, Republican and

>>>Democrat, stymied and confused and off balance.

Give the left what they want. Cross the aisle. Work with them. Help alleviate some of the pressure

at the border. We’ve got overrun detention centers.

We’ve got California willing to take all the illegal immigrants they can get. They oppose doing anything to close the border.

All these sanctuary cities and states oppose doing anything to reduce illegal immigration. It must mean that they want to help."



04-12-2019, 03:10 PM
The IDIOT mayor of Oakland says they LOVE their DIVERSITY, and that all the illegal aliens make their city SAFER. Well... then WHY wouldn't you want ALL THE ILLEGAL ALIENS YOU COULD POSSIBLY GET? Wouldn't that make your city even SAFER THEN? HYPOCRISY and LYING on a MIND NUMBING scale.

Why are the dems having such a MELT DOWN about this then? Well I can TELL you why... they want them all sent to RED STATES, because sending them all to BLUE states WON'T CHANGE THE ELECTORATE. Pretty simple to figure out, folks.

Democrats are the party of trash. Democrats are corrupt.