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View Full Version : Boys come in girls room, girl knees in crotch - SHE gets expelled

04-15-2019, 01:57 PM
I disagree with this decision, even if she did so unprovoked. If I had a daughter, I would teach her to protect herself, and go for the nads if need be. There shouldn't be boys in the girls bathroom, and taking a picture no less! I hope this girl sues and wins.


Boys flooded the high school girls bathroom to take a selfie, but it was a girl who ended up expelled

A girl who kneed a boy in the crotch when he and a group of other boys stormed into the girls’ bathroom has been expelled from her school.

On the morning of April 4, a group of boys at North Pole High School in North Pole, Alaska decided to take a selfie in the ladies’ room after a transgender student took a selfie in the men’s room, according to WaPo. When the boys entered the ladies’ room, they blocked the path of a girl who kneed the first of the boys in the crotch. This aggression was reportedly unconnected to the transgender student, according to The Washington Post.

North Pole High School expelled the girl, which her sister clarified in a tweet after The FairBanks News-Minor inaccurately reported that she had been suspended.

A girl enrolled at North Pole High School was reportedly suspended for using excessive force on a boy last week after a group of boys entered the girl’s bathroom and blocked the door, according to Rep. Tammie Wilson, R-North Pole. https://t.co/zLOQpL9uZY

— Fairbanks News-Miner (@newsminer) April 12, 2019

The expelled student’s sister also tweeted a few days later in support of her sister.

Idc what you’re protesting. STAY OUT THE WOMENS BATHROOM.

— Sav (@savannahmoisan) April 13, 2019

Alaska Republican State Rep. Tammie Wilson of North Pole said in a news conference that she would teach her daughter to respond to the incident in the same way. “Good for her,” she said in a phone interview provided to the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.

Wilson will be discussing the incident with the Board of Education, the paper reports.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/15/boys-girls-bathroom-expelled/