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04-17-2019, 03:13 AM
Is Tony Bennett now singing, "I left my bowels in San Francisco"?

https://zh-prod-1cc738ca-7d3b-4a72-b792-20bd8d8fa069.storage.googleapis.com/s3fs-public/inline-images/https___blogs-images.forbes.com_adamandrzejewski_files_2019_04_S an-Fran-general-poop-map-FINAL.jpg


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-17-2019, 05:57 AM
Is Tony Bennett now singing, "I left my bowels in San Francisco"?

https://zh-prod-1cc738ca-7d3b-4a72-b792-20bd8d8fa069.storage.googleapis.com/s3fs-public/inline-images/https___blogs-images.forbes.com_adamandrzejewski_files_2019_04_S an-Fran-general-poop-map-FINAL.jpg


More proof the disease carrying, unsanitary habits and do not give a damn attitude of so many of the illegal invaders that the worthless Dems are helping come in to weaken this nation.-Tyr

04-17-2019, 09:31 AM
You know your city sucks when it has to have an app that alerts citizens as to which streets haven't been cleaned of poop for the day yet.

Oh, and the problem is not actually illegal aliens, it's all the homeless Americans who have moved into those neighborhoods, which makes it all the sadder that these morons believe we should allow more poor people into this country.

04-17-2019, 03:50 PM
You know your city sucks when it has to have an app that alerts citizens as to which streets haven't been cleaned of poop for the day yet.

Oh, and the problem is not actually illegal aliens, it's all the homeless Americans who have moved into those neighborhoods, which makes it all the sadder that these morons believe we should allow more poor people into this country.

If / when we get rid of the Illegal ....Parasitic trash and stop paying them benefits and take care of our homeless Americans.... It will be a good thing....