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04-18-2019, 09:07 AM
A short and sweet update, that will leave liberals heads turning purple, sweating and screaming to the skies about how he's lying! :laugh:

BOOM! NOT GUILTY!…….. AG Bill Barr: “NO EVIDENCE of Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia”


04-18-2019, 09:14 AM
A few democrat snowflake liars responded before Barr released anything! They were all into this investigation, until they weren't. Mueller got somewhat pounded as well when he first handed things over and stated no collusion. They refuse to accept their defeat, based on so many lies.

Mad Maxine Meltdown! Rep. Maxine Waters Goes Off – Calls AG Bill Barr “A Lackey and Sycophant for the President”

The full Mueller Report will be released later today and ALREADY Democrats are in complete meltdown.

Speaker Pelosi accused Bill Barr of :throwing out his credibility” during an interview on Wednesday. Rep. Jerrold Nadler demanded that the Attorney General cancel his planned press conference planned for this morning.

And Maxine Waters suffered a complete meltdown on MSNBC.

Rep. Maxine Waters: He has proven himself. He auditioned for this job. He was chosen by the President of the United States. And that’s exactly what he’s doing. So I’m not surprised. I’m not even disgusted, ah, because I knew that once he came out and he said there had been no obstruction of justice and that there had been no collusion, that he absolutely stepped out early to defend the president, to protect the president… He is basically a lackey and sycophant for the President of the United States.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/04/mad-maxine-meltdown-rep-maxine-waters-calls-ag-bill-barr-a-lackey-and-sycophant-for-the-president-video/

Pelosi Attacks Barr Ahead of Mueller Report Release – Says AG Barr Has “Thrown Out His Credibility” In His Effort to “Protect Trump”

All hell broke loose after it was announced that Attorney General Bill Barr will be holding a 9:30 AM press conference prior to releasing Mueller’s report.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said AG Barr lost all of his credibility and the Justice Department’s independence in response to a New York Times report that Barr briefed White House lawyers on Mueller’s report ahead of its release.

Only the Democrats would complain about something this benign.

PELOSI: “AG Barr has thrown out his credibility & the DOJ’s independence with his single-minded effort to protect @realDonaldTrump above all else. The American people deserve the truth, not a sanitized version of the Mueller Report approved by the Trump Admin.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/04/pelosi-attacks-barr-ahead-of-mueller-report-release-says-ag-barr-has-thrown-out-his-credibility-in-his-effort-to-protect-trump/

Jerry Nadler Holds Emergency Press Conference Ahead of Mueller Report Release – Viciously Attacks Bill Barr

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) held an emergency presser on Wednesday evening and used his platform to attack Attorney General Bill Barr.

Nadler held a very short presser Wednesday evening ahead of the release of Mueller’s report.

As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, the Democrats are melting down over Attorney General William Barr’s handling of the release of the Mueller Report with a scheduled Justice Department press conference at 9:30 a.m. EDT.

The DOJ told Congress hard copies would be delivered later Thursday morning, causing further outrage. Other reports that DOJ and White House officials met in recent days about the Mueller report and that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was at DOJ earlier Wednesday has sent many Democrats over the edge.

Nadler opened up his presser by accusing Bill Barr of waging a media campaign on behalf of President Trump.

Nadler also said that Bill Barr “has taken unprecedented steps to spin Mueller’s nearly two-year investigation,” by cherry-picking Mueller’s finding in his March 24th letter to Congress.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/04/breaking-jerry-nadler-holds-emergency-press-conference-ahead-of-mueller-report-release-viciously-attacks-bill-barr-video/

04-18-2019, 09:18 AM
And they aren't mad at Barr fully... Yes, they wanted Trump, but they also know what is going to happen next - and who knows just how far things will go and who will be caught up in the dragnet.


Joe diGenova on Collusion Investigation: “It All Started in the Obama White House – The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost”

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova joined Sean Hannity on the eve of the release of the full Mueller Report by Attorney General Bill Barr.

Joe diGenova accused Barack Obama of being behind the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.

Joe diGenova: Barr will conclude, without saying it tomorrow, that it all started in the Obama White House. Barack Obama knew about this from day one. He authorized it. Brennan and Clapper informed him. Everybody knows that’s where we’re headed. And it’s about time. Because a lot of very innocent people have been hurt. Not just Donald Trump who has been absolutely outrageously harmed, by what President Obama authorized. But now “the chickens are coming home to roost.”



04-18-2019, 09:23 AM
I'll believe this when I see it. I have ZERO doubt that MANY were involved in helping Hillary through the primaries and then the same with the general - all the while trying to harm Trump as well. Was Obama involved? Dunno. But it would take a LOT before they would target and charge a president.

I also have no doubt that evidence is coming. I think that many have had forms of evidence for quite some time, and it's either privileged and classified, or waiting to be investigated.


John Solomon: Obama Administration Spying on Trump Began in January 2016 — Evidence Is Coming

The Hill’s John Solomon joined Sean Hannity on the eve of the release of the full Mueller Report on Thursday.

Solomon told Sean Hannity that the spying on the Trump campaign began back in January 2016 and it was all run by the Obama White House.

Solomon added that more evidence will be released NEXT WEEK!

This is HUGE!

John Solomon: One text message has always stuck out in my mind… And that is the text message from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page after coming out of one of the meetings… And the text says, “The White House is running this.” I covered law enforcement for 30 years. The White House does not normally run counter intelligence for Justice Department investigations. That text remained in my head for a long time. And over the last few weeks I’ve been reporting, I think Victoria in the last segment had something really important. She said January 1, 2017, there was at least one White House meeting. I think next week we’ll be talking about a meeting one year earlier where the origins of the Trump collusion case begin. A whole year earlier.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/04/huge-john-solomon-obama-administration-spying-on-trump-began-in-january-2016-evidence-is-coming-video/

04-18-2019, 09:24 AM
The Justice Department needs to treat the DNC the same way they once treated the mob. This criminal organization has to go.

04-18-2019, 12:18 PM
I'll believe this when I see it. I have ZERO doubt that MANY were involved in helping Hillary through the primaries and then the same with the general - all the while trying to harm Trump as well.

They rigged the nomination for Hitlery. Why would they stop there halfway?

Was Obama involved?
How could this VAST, MASSIVE even, conspiracy coupe attempt, to spy on, set up and take out Trump go on and the kenyan NOT know about it? He'd have to be the most IGNORANT, kept the dark president in history. After he lied about being born in Hawaii and was allowed to unconstitutionally be elected president, that filthy muslim dog turd believed he could get away with anything, and so far, he has.

04-18-2019, 12:23 PM
I'll believe this when I see it. I have ZERO doubt that MANY were involved in helping Hillary through the primaries and then the same with the general - all the while trying to harm Trump as well. Was Obama involved? Dunno. But it would take a LOT before they would target and charge a president.

I also have no doubt that evidence is coming. I think that many have had forms of evidence for quite some time, and it's either privileged and classified, or waiting to be investigated.


John Solomon: Obama Administration Spying on Trump Began in January 2016 — Evidence Is Coming

The Hill’s John Solomon joined Sean Hannity on the eve of the release of the full Mueller Report on Thursday.

Solomon told Sean Hannity that the spying on the Trump campaign began back in January 2016 and it was all run by the Obama White House.

Solomon added that more evidence will be released NEXT WEEK!

This is HUGE!

John Solomon: One text message has always stuck out in my mind… And that is the text message from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page after coming out of one of the meetings… And the text says, “The White House is running this.” I covered law enforcement for 30 years. The White House does not normally run counter intelligence for Justice Department investigations. That text remained in my head for a long time. And over the last few weeks I’ve been reporting, I think Victoria in the last segment had something really important. She said January 1, 2017, there was at least one White House meeting. I think next week we’ll be talking about a meeting one year earlier where the origins of the Trump collusion case begin. A whole year earlier.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/04/huge-john-solomon-obama-administration-spying-on-trump-began-in-january-2016-evidence-is-coming-video/

Of course the magical negro knew all about this. It wasn't just by coincidence that every agency inside the Executive was politically weaponized while he was President. Obama is all " I didn't know the IRS was doing that" "I didn't know the Justice Department did that" "I didn't know ..............." If he really didn't know, then he was merely inept, rather than complicit. Either way a terrible President.

04-18-2019, 01:06 PM
Of course the magical negro knew all about this. It wasn't just by coincidence that every agency inside the Executive was politically weaponized while he was President. Obama is all " I didn't know the IRS was doing that" "I didn't know the Justice Department did that" "I didn't know ..............." If he really didn't know, then he was merely inept, rather than complicit. Either way a terrible President.

Also.....First time I heard "the magic negro"...was a song on `Rushes` show...


04-18-2019, 01:20 PM
Also.....First time I heard "the magic negro"...was a song on `Rushes` show...


Liberals get REAL mad when you call Obama the magical negro lol

04-18-2019, 02:23 PM
Even fellow media members are watching CNN implode.


Media members call CNN's coverage of Mueller report release, Barr's press conference a 'meltdown'

Members of the media took shots Thursday at CNN for their coverage following the release of the Mueller report, as well as for their reporting throughout the 22-month investigation.



CNN’s Mueller report coverage consisted of a 9-person panel moderated by anchors Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer. The others on the panel were Carrie Cerdona, Jeffrey Toobin, Dana Bash, Gloria Borger, John King, Laura Coates, and Jim Sciutto.

The Mueller report was released publicly Thursday morning, and concluded that the Trump campaign did not conspire with the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential election. One other important note of the report is that the special counsel detailed ten examples that could be viewed as obstruction of justice, but opted not to determine whether or not they were in fact crimes.

Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein reviewed the facts Mueller laid out and determined that there was not proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump committed obstruction of justice.

The network has spent the last two years reporting extensively on Mueller’s investigation.

Their coverage was proven flawed in many cases, as The Daily Caller has previously reported.

The news organization retracted a story in June of 2017 claiming that former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci was under investigation by Congress for his alleged ties to Russia. The story relied on one anonymous congressional source and CNN apologized to Scaramucci for the error. Three CNN reporters ended up resigning from the company over the botched report.

Media members — as well as other public figures — who have been critical of CNN’s seemingly faulty coverage expressed their skepticism of the network Thursday. In particular, Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept referred to the network’s current coverage as a “meltdown.”






Abbey Marie
04-18-2019, 02:24 PM
You know what really defies all belief?

That Maxine "we gonna 'peach" Waters knows what the word 'sycophant' means.


04-18-2019, 03:01 PM
You know what really defies all belief?

That Maxine "we gonna 'peach" Waters knows what the word 'sycophant' means.


Thats a line someone fed her, because she likely can neither define the word nor spell it.