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View Full Version : Mueller Report Concludes... Allegations Carter Page were false - led to FISA

04-18-2019, 11:08 AM
Kinda knew these things already, but now it's public completely and on the record - and hopefully evidence towards their investigation.


Mueller Report Concludes Allegations Against Carter Page Used to Justify a FISA Spying Campaign Against Him Were FALSE

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page report was released to the public Thursday morning following AG Bill Barr’s press conference.

Mueller’s report concluded that allegations against Trump campaign advisor Carter Page used to justify the FISA spying campaign against him were FALSE.

“The investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election,” the report stated.


Obama’s corrupt FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant and THREE subsequent renewals on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/04/mueller-report-concludes-allegations-against-carter-page-used-to-justify-a-fisa-spying-campaign-against-him-were-false/

04-18-2019, 11:24 AM
And there stood that little WEASEL Rosenstein behind Barr, who signed off on the 4th FISA warrant and was going to wear a WIRE to SET UP the president.

Rosenstein is a SNAKE, and that little shit is knee deep in this.

04-18-2019, 11:31 AM
And there stood that little WEASEL Rosenstein behind Barr, who signed off on the 4th FISA warrant and was going to wear a WIRE to SET UP the president.

Rosenstein is a SNAKE, and that little shit is knee deep in this.

Once again you are 100% wrong about Rosenstein. He was duped into signing onto the FISA warrant. He trusted his subordinates. Do you know that he had planned to leave as soon as Barr was confirmed as the new AG but decided to stay until after the Mueller report was made public specifically because he wanted people to know that he stood by the results of the investigation and behind Barr's comments? He could have just resigned as planned and let people believe he resigned becuase Barr was lying about the Mueller report but he didn't.

As for the wearing a wire thing, You would literally have to believe that the people who have been lying about Trump for 2 years were telling the truth about that and that Rosenstein is lying to believe that story.

You're no better than a Democrat if you believe something is true simply because you want it to be true, rather than because of evidence.

04-18-2019, 11:44 AM
Once again you are 100% wrong about Rosenstein. He was duped into signing onto the FISA warrant. He trusted his subordinates. Do you know that he had planned to leave as soon as Barr was confirmed as the new AG but decided to stay until after the Mueller report was made public specifically because he wanted people to know that he stood by the results of the investigation and behind Barr's comments? He could have just resigned as planned and let people believe he resigned becuase Barr was lying about the Mueller report but he didn't.

As for the wearing a wire thing, You would literally have to believe that the people who have been lying about Trump for 2 years were telling the truth about that and that Rosenstein is lying to believe that story.

You're no better than a Democrat if you believe something is true simply because you want it to be true, rather than because of evidence.
You're full of shit. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing, and don't tell me someone DUPED him into wanting to wear a wire to secretly record the president to set him up. He was combative and very protective of the deep state when he sat before the republican oversight committee, and he refused to hand over subpoenaed information and was a thin hair away from being held in contempt of congress.

You go ahead and believe what you want, but watch your fucking mouth talking to me, unless you want from this post on to be an all out insult fest that YOU started.

04-18-2019, 11:49 AM
You're full of shit. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing, and don't tell me someone DUPED him into wanting to wear a wire to secretly record the president to set him up. He was combative and very protective of the deep state when he sat before the republican oversight committee, and he refused to hand over subpoenaed information and was a thin hair away from being held in contempt of congress.

You go ahead and believe what you want, but watch your fucking mouth talking to me, unless you want from this post on to be an all out insult fest that YOU started.

Insult fest that I started? I didn't call you anything . But I'm happy to do so if that is the route you want to go.

You believe that the people who have been lying for 2 years were telling the truth about Rosenstein being serious about wearing a wire because you WANT to believe it, not because of any evidence. That is what Democrats do, and you rightfully get angry about. So stop being a hypocrite.

04-18-2019, 12:08 PM
Insult fest that I started? I didn't call you anything . But I'm happy to do so if that is the route you want to go.

You believe that the people who have been lying for 2 years were telling the truth about Rosenstein being serious about wearing a wire because you WANT to believe it, not because of any evidence. That is what Democrats do, and you rightfully get angry about. So stop being a hypocrite.
OK, ass wipe, have it your way. You want to run your cake hole at me and throw in your insults, as you started, then you bet, I'll play, dumbass.

You go ahead and believe what you want about Rosenstein wanting to wear a wire, but the fact of the matter remains, he signed the 4th FISA warrant application, LONG after they ALL knew the dossier was FAKE, HE knew it was fake, and yet he signed the FISA warrant anyway. When this all shakes out, and it will, he's going to have his ass in a jam for THAT alone. You don't LIE to a FISA court.

04-18-2019, 12:19 PM
OK, ass wipe, have it your way. You want to run your cake hole at me and throw in your insults, as you started, then you bet, I'll play, dumbass.

You go ahead and believe what you want about Rosenstein wanting to wear a wire, but the fact of the matter remains, he signed the 4th FISA warrant application, LONG after they ALL knew the dossier was FAKE, HE knew it was fake, and yet he signed the FISA warrant anyway. When this all shakes out, and it will, he's going to have his ass in a jam for THAT alone. You don't LIE to a FISA court.

I guess this is going to be another thread where one of the titty baby posters here simply can't handle a differing opinion so they call names and then when the thread gets totally derailed they blame the person who dared to have a differing opinion lol. There's a reason why despite Jim's best efforts this board remains so small. Because of jackholes like Pole Rider here.

Aren't you close to 70 years old ? Learn to deal with differing opinions. And for God sakes you should certainly be used to being wrong by now.