View Full Version : Running for President if you're a Democrat - the 5 stages

04-18-2019, 11:22 AM
I've noticed that the Dem candidates for President 2020 have to go through 5 stages on their way to the nomination:

When to Announce - Never just announce you're running for President. Always make a series of announcements that you're "thinking about announcing", or that you will "make a decision about announcing by mid-May". If you're Hillary, try to get some stooges to start a "Draft Hillary" movement. Only do the actual announcement after you play a long, involved game first. Don't wait too long to announce - see Biden, Joseph.
Gimmick time - Once you've announced your candidacy, you need a Gimmick. You don't need a big following, you need a small bunch of kooks the are intense followers and will give your campaign some buzz. You can only get intense kooks following you with a wacky Gimmick. Bernie's is Medicare for All, Corey Booker's is "I'm black and I hate Trump, Kamala Harris's is "I'm black and female and I hate Trump". Elizabeth Warren's is "I'm Pocahontas and I hate Trump". Pete Buttigieg's is "I'm gay and I have a fake feud with Mike Pence". Kirsten Gillibrand's is ... well, who cares?
Get in the Top Debate - There will be two tiers of televised debates - the Top Tier, and everyone else. You have to make sure that your group of kooky intense followers is big enough to get you in the Top Tier debate. If you don't you may as well go home. If it doesn't look like you will be in the Top Tier debate, go back to #2 and create more and wackier Gimmicks. This will get you a bigger group of kooky followers, hopefully.
Culling the Herd - Once the debates start, its time to outlive other candidates. The ones that aren't in the Top Tier debate will start to drop out, as will the ones that start to run out of money. New Hampshire and Iowa contests will also knock out a bunch of also fans.
Drop your Gimmicks and Villify Trump - Once the herd has been culled, drop all your kooky Gimmicks. They were only intended to get you the kooky followers that would get you past the culling of the herd, anyway. Now its time to call Trump names, pretend he's a racist, and pretend that the economy isn't as good as it seems to be.

04-18-2019, 11:25 AM
6 - Offer anything under the sun as free - once they get in office of course.

04-18-2019, 11:35 AM
Five rules to being a Democrat

1. Power is the most important thing
2. You're a good person so being a liar, or a racist, or a criminal or anything else is okay because you have a good heart
3. Anyone who disagrees with you about ANYTHING is evil
4. Accuse your political rivals of doing everything you yourself do
5. NEVER EVER EVER tell the truth