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View Full Version : Rashida Tlaib suggests Americans launch a hunger strike to "shut down ICE"

04-18-2019, 03:11 PM
PLEASE PLEASE do this, at least just for yourself, and since you won't get your way, hold your breath too! :rolleyes: Because I have news for you - ICE isn't going anywhere, your idea is way out in right field and beyond. So hold your breath and don't eat for a few months, that'll teach 'em!!

I think it's irresponsible to be telling Americans to do something that is unhealthy and potentially harmful. Who knows who may take this advice, an elderly already sick woman?

Ohhhhhhh.... but read on down and you will find out that she may NOT even be participating in what she tells others to do. :rolleyes:


Rashida Tlaib suggests Americans launch a hunger strike to "shut down ICE"

Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib suggested that Americans engage in a hunger strike to “shut down” the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) rather than abolishing the agency through congressional approval.

“I want you not to only share things on social media, but pick up the phone because many of your Michigan delegation members need to also be loud and clear about this action,” Tlaib told a crowd of supporters on Sunday while delivering the keynote address for the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights.


“You know, there’s so many movements that we’re all part of. It won’t take us getting them information from the subpoena only,” Tlaib continued. “You know what it’s going to take? Movements outside of the halls of Congress, movements outside of [the] White House.”

The Michigan congresswoman has been an outspoken opponent of the agency. She claimed in June that ICE makes “our neighborhoods less safe” and that it “terrorizes” communities.

“I want you all to shut [ICE] down. We can shut them down,” Tlaib said. “Don’t wait for this Congress to act. Shut ’em down.”

“I know what you’re going to say though, they’re going to go ‘what do you mean Rashida?’ Well, I’ll tell you,” she continued. “There are some people that are using hunger strike[s], all these other things, going to the border, and I plan to.”

A spokesman for Tlaib did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation when asked if the congresswoman is planning to engage in a hunger strike, but denied that Tlaib called for supporters to launch one of their own.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/18/rashida-tlaib-hunger-strike-ice/

04-18-2019, 03:25 PM
Another loony dingbat craving attention.

O.K. radical Muslim - ante up and prove you are good to your word.
Starve yourself and see how most rational U.S. citizens care about you and your
slanted rants.

04-18-2019, 04:58 PM
Obese America is going to go on a hunger strike? I'm ALL for it. Since it would be the loonies on the left doing it, I'm REALLY all for it :).

04-19-2019, 10:33 AM
Maybe it's just me, but she could stand to lose a few pounds anyway :laugh2:

04-19-2019, 10:44 AM
I 100% back shutting down ICE AND Border Patrol

They are doing the job the US Army should be doing.

04-19-2019, 11:01 AM
I 100% back shutting down ICE AND Border Patrol

They are doing the job the US Army should be doing.Heard THAT. I'm tired of this posse comitatus argument BS. Wordsmithing has everyone believing you cannot deploy US troops on US soil and I call bullshit. IF it is to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, it is THE entire reason we have a damned armed force to begin with. It is NOT the job of the police, the National Guard, nor vigilante groups.

Call illegals what you want. They ARE an invasion force violating Federal law by so much as breathing across the Rio. Not state or local law nor internal Fed government agencies. ICE should be solely focused and responsible for catching and deporting the illegals that manage to get across. The US military should be the border's defense.

Tlaib needs to be prosecuted for violating incest laws in order to get around immigration law. Aside from whatever the Hell else she has done. Everyone wants an investigation of the left. Well, she and Ocasio-Cortez are prime candidates for campaign finance abuse. They need to get on top of THAT.

04-19-2019, 11:30 AM
Heard THAT. I'm tired of this posse comitatus argument BS. Wordsmithing has everyone believing you cannot deploy US troops on US soil and I call bullshit. IF it is to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, it is THE entire reason we have a damned armed force to begin with. It is NOT the job of the police, the National Guard, nor vigilante groups.

Call illegals what you want. They ARE an invasion force violating Federal law by so much as breathing across the Rio. Not state or local law nor internal Fed government agencies. ICE should be solely focused and responsible for catching and deporting the illegals that manage to get across. The US military should be the border's defense.

Tlaib needs to be prosecuted for violating incest laws in order to get around immigration law. Aside from whatever the Hell else she has done. Everyone wants an investigation of the left. Well, she and Ocasio-Cortez are prime candidates for campaign finance abuse. They need to get on top of THAT.

Yep, people don't understand PC at all. It doesn't mean the military can't operate within the continental US. How stupid would that be, Russia invades and we'd have to be "oops Posee Commitatus says we can't deploy the US military inside the US?"

It simply means that the US military can't be used as a POLICE FORCE within the US. Well, closing down our border isn't a law enforcement matter, it's a national security matter, PC doesn't apply.

Besides, a 2006 revision of the law allows the President a wide berth to suspend PC at his discretion. Trump could suspend PC in just certain areas of the country, or in specific states, or even over the entire country if he so chose.

04-19-2019, 03:44 PM
Another loony dingbat craving attention.

O.K. radical Muslim - ante up and prove you are good to your word.
Starve yourself and see how most rational U.S. citizens care about you and your
slanted rants.


04-19-2019, 03:54 PM