View Full Version : German parents are seeing German schools are teaching the five pillars of Is1am ...

04-22-2019, 04:24 PM
'OUTRAGEOUS! German parents are seeing German schools are teaching the five pillars of Is1am & Mosques prayers in school books instead of Christian religion and German Public History and culture! They are Outraged! Merkel must go!"

"Public German school books no longer teach courses on their Christian religion or German culture, Instead German children learn about the Five Pillars of Islam, Mosques, prayers, etc.."


04-22-2019, 04:42 PM
YEP... europe is in a world of SHIT with the muslims.

This is a perfect example of how muslims come to TAKE OVER, NOT ASSIMILATE.

I hate 'em... every freakin' one of them. Islam should be relegated to muslim nations, and OUTLAWED in the rest of the civilized world.

04-22-2019, 04:59 PM
​Close all the Mosques....stop all benefits ....last but not least...Find them deport them...to any Muslim country(Night Drop-ship)....Then they can read and practice their koran in peace.

Islam has no business in any western country....