View Full Version : Bernie, AOC - voting rights for prisoners

04-25-2019, 01:29 PM
Add up the prisoners in the USA, that's a lot of votes for them idiots. They want to change laws to help prisoners with what was taken away from them. Well, what about the felons outside of prison? Those on parole? Even a felon out of prison has to complete things before they have the right to vote restored. Apparently there are like over 6 million felons in the USA. Then in many states you can't vote if you're on probation.

So all those people are OUT of prison and in a better position than those IN prison. So then does that mean they will then shoot for restoring all their rights as well? I mean, why give that ability to someone who did their time, and yet those who haven't yet get that ability? GTFOOH!

What WON'T these folks running for 2020 offer to people out there to get their vote? Fix the world for $93 trillion and then give everyone everything for free! Even some get free money to live on monthly if they don't work. :rolleyes:

And as pointed out - do they want the vote of bombers/terrorists, murderers, rapists, child rapists...

Then Dumbo gives an example, and of course gives the example of something that would only rise to the level of a misdemeanor and represents likely a tiny tiny amount of anyone in prison.


AOC joins Bernie in backing voting rights for prisoners

Stepping into the debate over whether imprisoned felons should be allowed to vote, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed the idea and advised opponents they risked “looking completely + utterly out of touch w/ the reality [of] our prison system.”

“Instead of asking, ‘Should the Boston Bomber have the right to vote?’” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday, “Try, ‘Should a nonviolent person stopped w/ a dime bag LOSE the right to vote?’

“ that question reflects WAY more people,” she added.

Ocasio-Cortez, the freshman Democrat from New York who has emerged as a de facto spokesperson for the party’s progressive wing, weighed in after Sen. Bernie Sanders was criticized for proposing that people in prison for any reason should be allowed to cast a ballot.


When asked during a CNN town hall Monday night if incarcerated felons like the Boston Marathon bomber or those convicted of sexual assault should be eligible to vote while serving their sentences, [B]Sanders firmly replied, “The right to vote is inherent to our democracy — yes, even for terrible people.”

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/aoc-joins-bernie-in-backing-voting-rights-for-prisoners-163930237.html

Abbey Marie
04-25-2019, 01:31 PM
If infants could vote, Dems would outlaw abortion so fast your head would spin.

04-25-2019, 01:31 PM
Can Democrats EVER be honest? Ever? No one is in prison simply for having a dime bag and thus no one is in prison unable to vote because of a dime bag.