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View Full Version : WOKE AND BROKE: Gillette Cuts Price of Razors by 20%

04-27-2019, 04:44 PM
Yup, kinda what I said would happen. No one wants to be lectured or see the crap they were showing, to get a new razor. And now as some hit the store for their refills, they are choosing other brands. Oh well. And not the harshest downturn of events for them, but it stings. And it also won't be forever, I'm sure they bounce back quickly. But I'll be curious to see how far they continue to go with their ads.


WOKE AND BROKE: Gillette Cuts Price of Razors by 20% – Sees Sales Slump After Its Sexist and Lecturing #MeToo Razor Ad

Proctor and Gamble and Gillette decided to run razor ads trashing men and “toxic” masculinity in their new ad campaign.

The company decided the best way to promote their product was to attack their customer base.

The new ad also highlights sexist and bullying white males in the United States.

Of the 43 abusive males in the ad – 42 are white. 7 of the hero men out of 8 are black.

The ad is not doing so well with many users promising to avoid the product.
The ad had 642,000 down votes after its first two days on YouTube.

But it gets worse…
When you open the US Gillette website you get a pop-up lecturing ad on abusive male culture.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/04/woke-and-broke-gillette-cuts-price-of-razors-by-20-sees-sales-slump-after-its-sexist-and-lecturing-metoo-razor-ad/

04-27-2019, 05:18 PM
Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" can really bitch slap the stupid.

04-27-2019, 05:36 PM
Procter & Gamble owns Gillette and they are up about 12% on the year.

04-27-2019, 05:59 PM
Procter & Gamble owns Gillette and they are up about 12% on the year.

And a company they own very well could be keeping that number down a tad. But where they stand as a whole, as a profit, doesn't really say anything about the status of Gillette. You do realize they can be profitable, but still own an asset who's numbers are down, don't you? So because their stock is up 12% this year, that this means that somehow they don't care about Gillette being down? Or that this number isn't affected? They own so many companies producing so many products, that overall they are a behemoth. But we're speaking of just Gillette, not P&G.

04-27-2019, 06:48 PM
Procter & Gamble owns Gillette and they are up about 12% on the year.Irrelevant. How's Gillette doing? Hint: Post #1.