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View Full Version : Judge Napolitano did 180 on Trump - NOW I know why!

04-28-2019, 02:35 PM
He was all in support of Trump for awhile, and then all of a sudden he turned against and started arguing pretty much against anything Trump did after that.

Well, he wanted the nomination. And also a pardon for a friend. "Expectations" is the way I see it. Someone who has access to the media, and talks in support of him - then wants access to him and has expectations - and asks him to nominate him? Or pardon a friend? Nope, sorry, those 2 things need to be done on ones merits. And it would appear that since Trump gave him neither, that's why we saw the 180 and so much negativity from him. Tsk Tsk Judge.


Trump: Judge Napolitano Asked Me for Supreme Court Appointment

President Donald Trump said Saturday evening that Fox News Channel senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano asked to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court and for a pardon for a friend of the former superior court judge in New Jersey.

The president tweeted after his rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, that Napolitano turned “very hostile” once his request to be nominated to the highest court in the land was rejected.

“Thank you to brilliant and highly respected attorney Alan Dershowitz for destroying the very dumb legal argument of “Judge” Andrew Napolitano,” wrote President Trump.

“Ever since Andrew came to my office to ask that I appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court, and I said NO, he has been very hostile! Also asked for pardon for his friend. A good ‘pal’ of low ratings Shepard Smith,” he concluded, with a shot at Fox News Channel daytime news anchor.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/04/27/trump-judge-napolitano-asked-me-for-supreme-court-appointment-pardon-for-friend/

04-28-2019, 05:16 PM
Sounds pretty petty and childish to me. I thought Judge Nap was above that kind of thing.

04-28-2019, 07:22 PM
Before we see Judge Napolitano on CNN, or PMSNBC as their new, judicial source?????

04-29-2019, 04:54 AM
This is kinda awful. Nap was always a solid voice of reason. Heartbreaking.

04-29-2019, 09:42 AM
LOL , see this is always the kind of sausage making we never saw before Trump. Think he's the first President to be gone after by a member of the media because of something like this? No, he's just the first who called them out on it.

And IF TRUE this is an ugly look for Judge Nap.

04-29-2019, 11:04 AM
Napolitano fights back


04-29-2019, 12:09 PM
Of course his version is a little different. Had he just agreed across the board or left it alone, he would have looked like a schmuck that sough out and asked for his own position and it backfired. So who's version is more accurate? And does it matter at the end of the day? No, it doesn't matter, as I don't believe neither is talking about anything illegal or that really changes a damn thing. But, if Trump's version were more true, it would explain the 180 in the way Napolitano responded in discussions. I mean, he even disagreed with things that he himself had stated in the past!! As if perhaps something took place that changes his personal feelings. And now perhaps I'm way off base, but it fits the narrative Trump spells out, and what we witnessed with our own eyes. In addition, IMO, better lawyers than himself not only disagreed in theory on the legal happenings of the day, but also disputed things that he has stated directly.

Abbey Marie
04-29-2019, 01:17 PM
The downside of transparency delivered by social media, is that we end up distrustful of everyone.

04-29-2019, 02:29 PM
Make the President look as bad as possible, divide friends (without proof), then make a headline Lie out of it to make dummies yell YEAH!

If that doesn't work, twist the story around to make those same Dummies applaud, while being as dishonest as they can be, because THEY HATE TRUMP.

Remember? The Never Trumpers have been pissed off since their Witch, Hillary Lost, and Ruined all of their plans to Destroy America.


They will eat each other, and President Trump will keep feeding them to the fishes.

04-30-2019, 07:37 AM
The downside of transparency delivered by social media, is that we end up distrustful of everyone.

Complete polar opposite of Obama ho did to be as opaque as possible all the while violating every law and shitting on our country at every possible turn.