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View Full Version : Trump’s Approval Rating On Economy ‘Highest Number We’ve Ever Seen ’

05-02-2019, 02:58 PM
Another one unexpected from CNN. But good for everyone!


CNN GUSHES: Trump’s Approval Rating On Economy ‘Highest Number We’ve Ever Seen ’

President Trump’s approval rating on the economy has soared to an all-time high, according to a CNN poll released on Thursday.

In the survey, 56 percent said they approve of the way Trump in handling of the economy, compared with 41 percent who disapproved. Trump has consistently been in the mid-40s and low 50s throughout his term, but the 56 percent rating is a new high.

“Here’s is the Trump card for the president: 56 percent of Americans approve how he’s handling the economy,” gushed CNN’s political director David Chalian in a report about the poll. “This is the highest number we’ve ever seen in CNN polling. … That 56 percent, if you stack it up historically, it’s the high-water mark in the entirety of the Trump presidency in CNN polling.

“As you know — James Carville made famous — ‘it’s the economy, stupid.’ We know the sensibility about the economy heading into an election matters a ton,” Chalian said.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/cnn-gushes-trumps-approval-rating-on-economy-highest-number-weve-ever-seen/

05-02-2019, 03:00 PM
Maybe CNN is trying to regain some viewers....