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05-06-2019, 11:52 AM
And yep, that's the truth. Men posing as women, then women taking testosterone, no longer a separated spots out there for men, or women. If I were one of these athletes, or all of them, they should ALL take a stand and all bail out in a stance against them. Leave the championship race or races to JUST THEM. If one person, so be it. If 2 like in Ct, so be it. Let them take on the sport all alone.

Read the 2nd article after this one...


Trans Woman Smashes Four World Records and Wins Nine Events in Women’s Weightlifting Tournament

It’s the end of women’s sports as we know it.

For the second year in a row, transgender wrestler Mack Beggs won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound wrestling division. Beggs is in the process of transitioning from female to male and taking testosterone. Mack won the title last year too.

In October 2018 trangender Dr. Rachel McKinnon (in the middle) became the first ever transgender world champion in a womens cycling event.

In March 2017, Laurel Hubbard, a 39 year-old transgender who was born male, won her first international women’s weightlifting title in Australia breaking four national records in the process.

Last week two trans athletes won 1st and 2nd place at the Connecticut state indoor track championships.

And this week a trans woman shattered four women’s records in one day and won nine out of ten events at a single tournament.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/trans-woman-smashes-four-world-records-and-wins-nine-events-in-womens-weightlifting-tournament/

Now this one here claims everyone treated her like just another female lifter. Only she is NOT.


Sports League Rejects Transgender Athlete’s Claim to Female Weightlifting Records

A weightlifting league has revoked awards to a transgender weightlifter who claimed to have broken several women’s weightlifting records.

“Our rules, and the basis of separating genders for competition, are based on physiological classification rather thana identification,” said a statement from Paul Bossi, president of 100% RAW Powerlifting Federation. Bossi continued:

On the basis of all information presented to the Board of Directors for this particular case, the conclusion made, is that the correct physiological classification is male … Since the lifter’s gender classification for the purpose of our rules is not consistent with female, no female records will be broken by these lifts.

The biology-based reversal was largely ignored by leading transgender activists, partly because few voters believe the transgender ideology’s claim that sexual discrimination — not biology — explains the different physical strength of men and women.

Instead, leading transgender activists loudly argued that racism helps to explain the exclusion of South African runner Caster Semenya from women’s athletic competitions.

Semenya is not transgender but is a very rare “intersex” person who has male genes and internal male sexual organs and, therefore, a much higher level of testosterone than female athletes. On May 1, an international sports authority conditionally excluded her from competitions because of her testosterone advantage. In response, Chase Strangio, an advocate at the ACLU tweeted:


“TERF” means “Transgender-Exclusionary Radical Feminists,” and it is aimed at women who say biology determines whether a person is a man or a woman, not a person’s feelings of “gender identity.” Transgender activists say a person’s sex should be determined by his or her “gender identity.”

The transgender weightlifter, Mary Gregory, had touted the apparent wins on April 28 and 29.

Abbey Marie
05-06-2019, 12:09 PM
To be a radical liberal requires folks to renounce logic. Feminists are in a quandary that is fun for conservatives to witness.

05-06-2019, 01:25 PM
To be a radical liberal requires folks to renounce logic. Feminists are in a quandary that is fun for conservatives to witness.

Only the feminazis. There are lots of young women out there who though they tend liberal they are SICK of this bullshit. How many opportunities must women give up because mentally ill men want their spots?

The real war on women is being waged by the loons on the left. Not just with this trans bullshit, but look at the way they treat ANY woman who disagrees with them in the slightest. Coon, nigger, bitch, slut, whore, skank. All names I have seen liberals call women who have dared to disagree with them.

05-07-2019, 03:04 PM
Another update....


Transgender Powerlifter Champion Mary Gregory Is Stripped of World Records

A transgender female has sparked controversy after smashing several women’s powerlifting records.

As The Gateway Pundit Pundit reported earlier Mary Gregory broke four women’s world records at a ‘100% Raw Powerlifting Federation’ meet.

Gregory broke the women’s world records for squat, bench, deadlift, and total.

Four days after Gregory had set the four women’s world records, Gregory found out that powerlifting officials had stripped Gregory of the records.

‘100% Raw Powerlifting Federation’ president Paul Bossi issued the following statement:

It was revealed that this female lifter was actually a male in the process of becoming a transgender.

Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies wrote the following tweet about transgender athletes:


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/transgender-powerlifter-smashes-several-womens-world-records-video/

05-13-2019, 02:38 PM
A great decision was made here and the appropriately competitors will get their medals.

And now 'Mary' is more than free to join and win out in the men's competitions. Good luck! And even better actually, it appears they are going to create a transgender division, and THAT would be the best group representation.


Transgender lifter's record ousted from female raw powerlifting competition

The president of 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation removed the record set by a transgender weight lifter for a national women’s championship because the lifter is a biological man.

Paul Bossi, the president of the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation, said Wednesday in a statement posted to Twitter that Mary Gregory is a biological man but did not reveal this to the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation League. The group boasts of their authenticity in weight lifting, saying they are “100% raw” and do not allow any wraps, supports or enhancing drugs.

“The lifter identifies as female, and so entered the contest (with no consultation with the Meet Director or (100% Raw Officials),” Bossi said in a statement. “Our rules, and the basis of separating genders for competition, are based on physiological classification rather than identification. On the basis of all information presented to the Board of Directors for this particular case, the conclusion made, is that the correct physiological classification is male.”

“Since the lifter’s gender classification for the purpose of our rules is not consistent with female, no female records will be broken by these lifts,” the statement continues. Bossi also revealed that the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation is creating a transgender weight lifting division to which Gregory will be transferred.

Mary Gregory posted an April 9 photo on Instagram that shows the differences in the lifter’s appearance before and after transitioning, saying “One year ago I took my first steps in Public as openly female. Lots of things have changed!” Other posts depict Gregory lifting and discussing the emotional toll from the weight lifting controversy.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/05/13/transgender-powerlifting-record-ousted/

05-13-2019, 06:22 PM
Is there anything left that doesn't have some faggot-ass freak show attached to it? This isn't even politics. This is insanity. If you are a male of the species and need some lame-ass, little-dick excuse to compete with females who are biologically, physically inferior to males you're just a big f-king pussy. And forget the moral compass. There's NO compass going on here.

Hell, I'd prefer to lift against the women too. I can at least see how far behind them I am :laugh: Forget it with men pro powerlifters. They alone weigh more than I can lift :)

Whatever happened to winning on merit being the achievement? Meaning you put in the hard work and it paid off feeling on knowing you won. Instead, it's as long I'm declared the winner ...

I feel like I'm in a zombie movie and these nimrods from Hell just keep multiplying and coming out of the woodwork.

05-13-2019, 06:59 PM
Whatever happened to winning on merit being the achievement? Meaning you put in the hard work and it paid off feeling on knowing you won. Instead, it's as long I'm declared the winner ...

I feel like I'm in a zombie movie and these nimrods from Hell just keep multiplying and coming out of the woodwork.

I had women that could smother me in basketball and volleyball. I could dust them on the track or pool, though.
I don't buy into this transgender competition one bit. Born a male - are a male, period. If one is too limp-dicked to compete with
other males, it sucks to be you. Grow some gonads and behave as the gender you were born to be.

05-13-2019, 07:39 PM
I had women that could smother me in basketball and volleyball. I could dust them on the track or pool, though.
I don't buy into this transgender competition one bit. Born a male - are a male, period. If one is too limp-dicked to compete with
other males, it sucks to be you. Grow some gonads and behave as the gender you were born to be.Isn't that what this is about though? Growing a set and competing with who you're supposed to ?

This reminds me of my 10 years old granddaughter getting over on the toddler and wanting to talk shit about it. Yeah, you sure showed HIM :rolleyes:

Get the fags that are afraid to be men and throw them back into the dog pound with rest of us dawgs ....

05-13-2019, 08:50 PM
Isn't that what this is about though? Growing a set and competing with who you're supposed to ?

This reminds me of my 10 years old granddaughter getting over on the toddler and wanting to talk shit about it. Yeah, you sure showed HIM :rolleyes:

Get the fags that are afraid to be men and throw them back into the dog pound with rest of us dawgs ....

Fags are weak. One tried to pick me up after I closed the bar at 0200. He regretted it, and ran like a scalded cat!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

05-14-2019, 09:19 AM
Fags are weak. One tried to pick me up after I closed the bar at 0200. He regretted it, and ran like a scalded cat!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

That's just the queers lol there are some alpha men out there who are gay though. I have a friend we served in the military together, back when we were young pups few would have dared to call him a queer to his face.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-14-2019, 09:58 AM
Any man that wants to win against women in an athletic competition is either a fool, a weakling, a messed up ass or a liberal/socialist, gay dem.
No true, decent honorable man would even consider doing that.
Sad is it not, that this total insanity is bring championed by the ffing dem party and its worthless allies/media buddies. --Tyr

Abbey Marie
05-14-2019, 12:04 PM
That's just the queers lol there are some alpha men out there who are gay though. I have a friend we served in the military together, back when we were young pups few would have dared to call him a queer to his face.

Just wondering, can an alpha male ever be on the “receiving end” so-to-speak?

05-14-2019, 12:10 PM
Just wondering, can an alpha male ever be on the “receiving end” so-to-speak?

Unfortunately I know that my friend is the pitcher in his relationship LOL I mean just like any male the guy brags on and bitches and complains about his significant other to his friends and sometimes you hear things you would rather not hear.

But I couldn't speak for others .

05-14-2019, 05:12 PM
That's just the queers lol there are some alpha men out there who are gay though. I have a friend we served in the military together, back when we were young pups few would have dared to call him a queer to his face.

I've known several gay men and women, served with some, others just friends, only one of whom I would call an alpha - and she is gorgeous.

05-14-2019, 05:22 PM
Isn't that what this is about though? Growing a set and competing with who you're supposed to ?

This reminds me of my 10 years old granddaughter getting over on the toddler and wanting to talk shit about it. Yeah, you sure showed HIM :rolleyes:

Get the fags that are afraid to be men and throw them back into the dog pound with rest of us dawgs ....

I played college and high school football with Michael Phelps' Dad. He was a good swimmer too - only
I could beat him in a freestyle or breast stroke race.

But the first pass I caught, an inside square as a wing back, he knocked the hell out of me.
Pulled me up, grinned and said "Welcome to College Football, Golden Tornado".
Sadly, he died a couple of years back after having been a Sgt. in the Maryland State Police.

05-15-2019, 09:19 AM
I've known several gay men and women, served with some, others just friends, only one of whom I would call an alpha - and she is gorgeous.

To be fair though, very few heterosexual men qualify as alpha either. Especially true if you consider people born after 1990, the pussiest generation.

05-15-2019, 09:39 AM
To be fair though, very few heterosexual men qualify as alpha either. Especially true if you consider people born after 1990, the pussiest generation.
You should see the two here. Not gay that I am aware of (the SIL and his spawn/clone/dumber than the original). ZERO alpha going on in that shit. I'm hoping with my grandson I've infused some male-ness into that lame-ass gene pool. Hell, the 2 years old is already more help around here with chores than either of those two whining-ass chuckleheads.

So the toddler is sick. Got a stomach bug. You should see these two turn pale and fight over who has to clean up the puke and who has to watch the sick kid. I snatched his ass up and took him to my room. I'm like FU pussies. Obviously a situation that requires more balls than they can muster. It's babt poke and it doesn't clean itself and the baby sure as Hell doesn't know what's going on :rolleyes:

I could write a book on these two: "How to Not be A Male of the Species". And they're BOTH scared shitless of my daughter :laugh:

05-15-2019, 10:04 AM
You should see the two here. Not gay that I am aware of (the SIL and his spawn/clone/dumber than the original). ZERO alpha going on in that shit. I'm hoping with my grandson I've infused some male-ness into that lame-ass gene pool. Hell, the 2 years old is already more help around here with chores than either of those two whining-ass chuckleheads.

So the toddler is sick. Got a stomach bug. You should see these two turn pale and fight over who has to clean up the puke and who has to watch the sick kid. I snatched his ass up and took him to my room. I'm like FU pussies. Obviously a situation that requires more balls than they can muster. It's babt poke and it doesn't clean itself and the baby sure as Hell doesn't know what's going on :rolleyes:

I could write a book on these two: "How to Not be A Male of the Species". And they're BOTH scared shitless of my daughter :laugh:

My wife use to complain about hard I was/am on our boys, but now she's like "toughen 'em up"

Can you imagine today's 18 year olds being asked to storm Omaha beach Gunny? Hell , can you imagine most of them even making it through basic training of ANY branch?