View Full Version : Obama’s Legacy: US Will Never Again See .3% Growth

05-06-2019, 01:15 PM
Of course, that is an old article and title. Trying to convince America that this is the best we could do. Huh? We should always be striving to do better, not the status quo. Even if doing great anyway, strive to better things. But he/they wanted to convince us that it's the best we could do, that certain sector jobs wouldn't be returning, among other things. Perhaps so if you don't strive for it. :rolleyes:

The 2nd article shows the economy since the dummy left.


Obama’s Legacy: US Will Never Again See .3% Growth

The US is in a dire financial situation but there is no real outrage. The latest dismal growth numbers haven’t raised concerns from our politicians, not even Republicans. We hear crickets.

The US added 200,000 jobs last month but we would need 400,000 to keep up with population growth. Our economic growth has slowed to 0.5% for the first three months of 2016, the slowest pace in two years.

The U.S. had only grown 1.4%, 2% and 3.9% in the prior three quarters and last quarter will be revised downward.

Real Clear Markets reports that the CBO is “now forecasting that America will never see 3.0% economic growth again.” If that is accurate, we are on a short path to not being able to sustain ourselves.

“From 1790 to 2000, U.S. RGDP growth averaged 3.79%. America needs at least 3.0% economic growth-the nation cannot defend itself and pay its bills without it,” real clear markets reported.

The year 2015 marks the tenth year without 3% growth, the longest run since the Great Depression. The next longest was four years.

Rest - https://www.independentsentinel.com/obamas-legacy-us-will-never-again-see-3-growth/

Trump's 'Blue Collar Boom' continues

The Great Realignment in American politics, working people and their families leaving the Democrats for Republicans, got another boost with the announcement that GDP in the first quarter of 2019 grew by 3.2 percent. That was an increase of more than 50 percent in GDP growth of the less than 2 percent on average for the entire eight years of the Obama administration.

Europe may be sliding into recession as you read this. China may already be there, with the rest of Asia not far behind. South America is swirling in turmoil. Only Donald Trump’s America is still growing smartly, with the Blue Collar Boom that began on Election Day 2016, as voters definitively retired the consistently anti-growth economic policies of former President Obama.

Mr. Obama thought he was helping Hillary Clinton when he said at the 2016 Democratic Convention that the only way to have a third term of the Obama administration was to vote for Hillary. Hillary herself seconded that, pledging to continue Mr. Obama’s economic policies. Blue collar voters from Pennsylvania to Michigan to Wisconsin to Missouri, with call-ins from West Virginia to Indiana to Iowa, said they had enough of that already thank you.

The backbone of the Democratic Party was long-working people, especially unionized industrial workers. The realignment actually began with Richard Nixon, reinvigorated even more powerfully by Ronald Reagan. But it was first seen again in more modern times in 2010, with a New Deal-size Republican gain of 63 seats in the House in Mr. Obama’s first midterm. It was reflected again in Republicans taking the Senate majority in Mr. Obama’s second midterm in 2014.

It was Milton Friedman who first recognized that America’s historical record is the worse the recession, the stronger the recovery. Democrats don’t know it yet, but the rest of America recognized Mr. Obama’s economic policies as a dismal failure by that metric.

Mr. Obama’s apologists tried to tell America that Mr. Obama’s dismal, less-than 2 percent economic growth on average for his entire two terms was the New Normal. America could no longer do better than that. Get used to it, America, they imperiously proclaimed. 2016 was America’s way of responding, in the refrain of Vietnam War protestors, “Hell no, We won’t go.”

Hillary Clinton, not to mention the rest of the party, have not figured it out yet. Instead, they have overreacted to the typical results of Mr. Trump’s first midterm, which were overinflated by some brazen Democratic “ballot harvesting.” That reaction reflects Democratic overconfidence in the political success of Mr. Obama’s so-called Rainbow Coalition. Which altogether has led Democrats down the blind alley of outright socialism, which has been a Democratic weakness since the so-called Progressive Era over 100 years ago.

Mr. Trump’s economic policies of tax rate cuts, deregulation and stable dollar monetary policies have worked to produce booming economic growth four times in the last 100 years. From the Roaring Twenties, to President Kennedy’s Booming ‘60s (which proved these policies can and should be bipartisan), to President Reagan’s 25-year economic boom from late 1982 to late 2007, to Mr. Trump’s now Blue Collar Boom.

That has produced the lowest African-American unemployment, the lowest Hispanic-American unemployment, the lowest Asian-American unemployment, the lowest teen unemployment, and soon the lowest female unemployment, in American history. That adds up to the most inclusive economic recovery in American history.

The most salient point of this recovery is that it is raising wages the most for the least-skilled American workers at the bottom of the economic ladder. That is actually reducing inequality, exactly the opposite of Mr. Obama’s rhetoric and policies.

Rest - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/may/5/trumps-blue-collar-boom-continues/

05-06-2019, 01:21 PM
What is absolutely hilarious is watching Democrats try to explain that the great economy isn't really good for most Americans. Only the rich are getting richer, DESPITE every metric proving them wrong.