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View Full Version : So the Democrats put a poll up on Twitter

05-06-2019, 01:33 PM
And they were NOT getting the results they wanted - so they DELETED IT!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

They didn't just lose, they were getting trounced. Can't let the American public see that. Some will see it anyway! :)

Question: Do you want more SC justices like Ginsburg or like Kavanaugh

It was 71% to 29% in favor of Kavanaugh when they bailed and deleted it. :laugh:


Supreme Court Twitter Poll Backfires Spectacularly on Senate Democrats When Kavanaugh Routs Ginsburg

DSCC deletes poll, rejects democracy

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee deleted a Twitter poll it had posted Friday asking users if they preferred Supreme Court justices to be like Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Brett Kavanaugh.

Why? The wrong justice was winning.

The DSCC's account finally cried uncle when users overwhelmingly chose Kavanaugh, whom President Donald Trump nominated last year, over Ginsburg, the 86-year-old progressive icon who's been on the court since 1993.

It wasn't clear when exactly it was taken down Sunday afternoon. One screenshot showed Kavanaugh leading 71-to-29 percent with more than 230,000 votes cast in the decidedly unscientific poll.


Republican National Committee spokeswoman Elizabeth Harrington mocked the DSCC for deleting the poll, tweeting Democrats were "refusing to accept voting results (again)."

Asked journalist Yashar Ali: "Who thought this was a good idea?"

Rest - https://freebeacon.com/politics/supreme-court-twitter-poll-backfires-spectacularly-on-senate-democrats-when-kavanaugh-routs-ginsburg/