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View Full Version : PA's first openly gay Rep., goes after woman in front of Planned Parenthood

05-06-2019, 07:57 PM
A lot of firsts here. And definitely a first to go after an elderly woman that was harming no one. Just in front of PP and praying, and then this Rep goes all in on her. But it gets worse!

Apparently, later on he started offering people $100 to doxx the pro-life advocates there. WTF? Talk about your harassment, and from a new state representative no less?


Pennsylvania's First Openly Gay Representative Attacks Elderly Woman Praying in Front of Planned Parenthood

In what can only be described as a gross violation of the code of conduct befitting a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, new member Brian Sims (D-Philadelphia) openly harassed an elderly pro-life woman praying outside a Planned Parenthood in his district. Not only did Sims, the first openly (and rabidly) gay representative behave like a threatening bully, but he may have committed a crime. According to the Pennsylvania code, criminal harassment is defined thus:

A person commits the crime of harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another, the person: (1) strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects the other person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same; (2) follows the other person in or about a public place or places;

It seems obvious that Sims' intention was to chase this woman away from a public sidewalk where she was legally allowed to stand and pray. At no time does Sims ever film the woman shaming anyone, as he claims, but she is clearly walking back and forth holding a rosary and praying quietly, as you can see in the video. Sims claims that she talks to everyone walking into the clinic and hands them things. Most likely, that's information on other options besides infanticide. But Sims doesn't care about the babies that don't come out alive after their mothers walk through Planned Parenthood's doors. Instead, he cares to harass an older woman by calling her an "old white lady" and, inexplicably, a "racist."

Screaming Democrat rep harasses pro-life woman just standing on the sidewalk outside an abortion clinic https://t.co/v3RFbpHKha

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) May 5, 2019

There must be a code of conduct for Pennsylvania legislators that prohibits people like Sims from attacking their constituents and filming them on a public street while insulting and harassing them. Will the General Assembly take a stand against this outrageous behavior and censure Sims? They should. And the woman who steadfastly stood there and took this abuse from her elected representative should win some kind of award.

The scariest part of this encounter was the absolute hate spewing out of Sims' mouth at this woman, who stood there alone, saying nothing as a large man intimidated and followed her every move. Remember when Hillary Clinton claimed that Trump "stalked" her onstage during a debate? Imagine if he had confronted her on the street like this! They would have called the National Guard!

First, Sims claims that the Planned Parenthood he's in front of is one of the "most heavily protested Planned Parenthoods in the country," before panning over to show the viewers a lone woman praying at the curb. From there it gets cringe-worthy, as the hatred and malice come spewing out of his untrained mouth. "She's an old white lady who is going to try to avoid showing you her face," he says to his live audience while trying to shove his camera around her body to reveal her identity. "You're allowed to be out here," he continued, "but that doesn't mean you have a moral right to be out here."

That's rich. A guy defending killing unborn babies is suddenly the voice of morality as he yells and shames his elder. He then goes on to call her "disgusting" more than once and continues his ranting for over seven minutes while harassing her with his menacing presence and intrusive camera. It's enough to make you wonder why CNN isn't running wall-to-wall coverage exposing this young whippersnapper who was disrespecting an elder at a protest — except this elder is white and the harasser is a member of the protected LGBTQWTF crowd so...nothing to see here!

At one point, Sims uses his status as a representative to dissuade her from calling for help from the police, whom he claims he "knows" because he's an elected official. He taunts her to call the police because he knows them, he says, and they'll side with him. Whoever his mentor in the General Assembly is needs to take him by the collar and explain that his job comes with responsibility and not a license to intimidate and harass the public. Watch the whole video and then send this article to Democratic Leader Frank Dermody (contact form here) and ask him to rein in this out-of-control newbie who is running around town making an ass out of himself and embarrassing the great state of Pennsylvania. Here he is "welcoming" Vice President Mike Pence to Pennsylvania last year:

OFFICIAL WELCOME: @MikePenceVP let me be the first to officially welcome you to the City of Brotherly Love and to my District! We’re a City of soaring diversity. We believe in the power of all people: Black, Brown, Queer, Trans, Atheist, & Immigrant. So...get bent, then get out! pic.twitter.com/G9eLrXgeVn

— Brian Sims (@BrianSimsPA) June 19, 2018

And the first video of him in front of PP - Jim



UPDATE: Pennsylvania Democrat Lawmaker Offers $100 to Doxx Pro-Life Minor Teenagers

Pennsylvania Democrat lawmaker Brian Sims proudly filmed himself harassing and abusing an elderly female pro-Life protester.

Sims harassed the woman for eight minutes in his Periscope video calling her “an old white lady” and then adding, “Shame on you. What you’re doing here is disgusting!”

But this wasn’t far enough for Sims – he went back to Planned Parenthood and harassed pro-life minors, calling them “pseudo-Christians.”

This time, Sims offered $100 to identify (doxx) the minor pro-life advocates standing outside of Planned Parenthood.

“I’ll give you $100 if you can identify any of these three,” Sims said as he panned around and pointed his phone camera to minor teens.

Sims them walked over to another young man and said, “It would be easier if you just gave me your name and your address.”

Sims is a Democratic member of the Pennsylvania House from the 82nd district. He is an openly gay Democrat.


And now the video where he offers the $100 - Jim



05-06-2019, 08:39 PM
All I gotta say his Seig Heil you gay gestapo brown shirted butt fuck

Real class and real bravery there going after an old lady reciting the rosary and minding her own business. What next? Burning down a church?

Which by the way what she was doing is protected TWICE under the 1st Amendment (freedom of speech and of religion)

Just because you like it up the ass doesn’t give you the right to harass people (which is a crime)

And you are an elected official who swore to protect the Constitution?!?!?!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-06-2019, 11:44 PM
Another really 'brave' liberal gay piece of shit that would verbally accost a 77 year old woman.

I hope the DNC is proud of their gay boys.

05-07-2019, 11:29 AM
More proof that liberals are mentally ill.

As if we needed more proof of this.

I swear, EVERY TIME we say "that is the most disgusting behavior I have ever witnessed" A Democrat shouts out "hold my soy latte" and proves us wrong.

05-07-2019, 01:31 PM
And look at this ass, referring to others as bullies. :rolleyes:


Dem Rep. Who Spent Weekend Harassing Pro-Lifers On Video Has Meltdown When Hit With Criticism

State Representative Brian Sims (D-PA) spent the weekend harassing pro-lifers peacefully praying outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. And when the Democrat was hit with criticism for his outlandish behavior, he went all-in on the crazy.

For example, when pro-life site Live Action reported on Sims harassing an elderly sidewalk counselor, the elected official responded, "Bring it, Bible Bullies! You are bigots, sexists, and misogynists and I see right through your fake morals and your broken values. #BeReal."


Sims, who offered $100 to have three pro-life teenage girls doxxed for daring to pray for unborn babies, then labeled pro-lifers criticizing his antics as "bullies," "haters," "p**** grabbers," and "baby cagers."

"'Don’t discriminate against our discrimination. Don’t bully our bullies. Don’t hate our haters.' - P**** Grabbers and Baby Cagers," the self-styled LGBT activist wrote in a tweet on Monday.


The Democrat also urged his followers to donate to taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood because they need "you now more than ever," citing people criticizing his behavior as evidence for such a need.


Sims made headlines on Saturday when he live-streamed himself harassing an elderly pro-life woman outside a Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania.

"Shame on you!" Sims screamed at the woman, LifeNews reported. "You have a problem protesting in public? Don’t protest in public!"

Sims also attempted to have her doxxed so he could show up at her home: "If you know who this woman is and you can give me her address, we’ll protest out in front of her home. Let’s go protest out of her house and tell her what’s right for her body," he said.

"Today’s protester, now she is an old white lady who is going to try to avoid showing you her face," the harassment continued. "But the same laws, luckily, that protect her from being out here also protect me from showing you who she is. And so my hope is that you’ll donate $100 [to Planned Parenthood] for every extra hour that this woman is out here telling people what is right for their bodies."

"How many children have you clothed today? How about many children have you put shoes on their feet today? Have you fed any children today or have you just stood out in front of a Planned Parenthood shaming people for something they have a Constitutional right to do," Sims yelled.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/46862/dem-rep-who-spent-weekend-harassing-pro-lifers-amanda-prestigiacomo

05-07-2019, 01:50 PM
And look at this ass, referring to others as bullies. :rolleyes:


Dem Rep. Who Spent Weekend Harassing Pro-Lifers On Video Has Meltdown When Hit With Criticism

State Representative Brian Sims (D-PA) spent the weekend harassing pro-lifers peacefully praying outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. And when the Democrat was hit with criticism for his outlandish behavior, he went all-in on the crazy.

For example, when pro-life site Live Action reported on Sims harassing an elderly sidewalk counselor, the elected official responded, "Bring it, Bible Bullies! You are bigots, sexists, and misogynists and I see right through your fake morals and your broken values. #BeReal."


Sims, who offered $100 to have three pro-life teenage girls doxxed for daring to pray for unborn babies, then labeled pro-lifers criticizing his antics as "bullies," "haters," "p**** grabbers," and "baby cagers."

"'Don’t discriminate against our discrimination. Don’t bully our bullies. Don’t hate our haters.' - P**** Grabbers and Baby Cagers," the self-styled LGBT activist wrote in a tweet on Monday.


The Democrat also urged his followers to donate to taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood because they need "you now more than ever," citing people criticizing his behavior as evidence for such a need.


Sims made headlines on Saturday when he live-streamed himself harassing an elderly pro-life woman outside a Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania.

"Shame on you!" Sims screamed at the woman, LifeNews reported. "You have a problem protesting in public? Don’t protest in public!"

Sims also attempted to have her doxxed so he could show up at her home: "If you know who this woman is and you can give me her address, we’ll protest out in front of her home. Let’s go protest out of her house and tell her what’s right for her body," he said.

"Today’s protester, now she is an old white lady who is going to try to avoid showing you her face," the harassment continued. "But the same laws, luckily, that protect her from being out here also protect me from showing you who she is. And so my hope is that you’ll donate $100 [to Planned Parenthood] for every extra hour that this woman is out here telling people what is right for their bodies."

"How many children have you clothed today? How about many children have you put shoes on their feet today? Have you fed any children today or have you just stood out in front of a Planned Parenthood shaming people for something they have a Constitutional right to do," Sims yelled.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/46862/dem-rep-who-spent-weekend-harassing-pro-lifers-amanda-prestigiacomo

PP and the DNC is such a racket, Democrats make sure PP gets federal funding every year and PP turns around and give part of that back to Democratic candidates each election cycle. Why won't Republicans grow a fucking pair and put a stop to this.

05-07-2019, 01:51 PM
I have to wonder if it's even legal for an elected official to offer money ($100) and the doxxing crap.

He apparently pissed off the father of the 4 gals you see in the video - one being his wife and the other his daughters, there to simply pray. They opened a gofundme page to raise money.... but I don't care for that either, other than to maybe raise awareness to what this idiot is pulling as an elected official.


Father Launches Fundraiser After PA State Rep. Harasses His Pro-Life Wife, Daughters

(CNSNews.com) -- After openly gay Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims (D-District 182) publicly filmed, harassed, and sought to “dox” a mother and three daughters who were praying outside a Planned Parenthood abortion facility, the father of the three girls launched a GoFundMe page to support the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia.

The gofundme.com page reads, “State Rep. Brian Sims tried to Harass and Dox my Daughters. He Offered $100. Let's Donate $100,000 to the Pro-Life Movement Instead.”

“On Holy Thursday (April 18, 2019) my wife, two teenage daughters, and their friend were peacefully praying outside of a Planned Parenthood in Center City Philadelphia when a man started yelling at them,” reads the fundraiser. “[A]fter ranting at them for several minutes, he left, and returned with his cell phone to record the above video.”

“It's bad enough that a grown man would be trying to dox three teenage girls,” reads the page. “It's even worse that he is an elected official. I've got two responses to these despicable actions by ‘Representative’ Sims:

“First, Brian, if you have a problem with my wife and daughters praying outside of an abortion clinic, you can come and see me.

“It seems like you like to pick on women, teenagers, and senior citizens (see him harass a senior citizen who was praying by clicking here ). That's shameful, and unacceptable.”

Rest - https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/alex-madajian/father-launches-fundraiser-after-pa-state-rep-harasses-his-pro-life-wife

05-08-2019, 01:04 AM
Once again, just digging in deeper with a lame-o excuse-o. :rolleyes:


Abby Johnson: Sims’ Video Justifying His Actions ‘Isn’t Cutting It’

Pro-life activist Abby Johnson said Tuesday Pennsylvania Democrat Rep. Brian Sims’ video message in which he attempts to justify his aggressive berating of a pro-life woman outside of a Planned Parenthood facility “isn’t cutting it.”

The former Planned Parenthood director who founded a ministry to help other abortion workers leave the industry is calling on all pro-life activists to join at abortion clinics throughout the country Friday to show abortion supporters like Sims “we won’t be bullied,” and “we will continue to stand against the abortion clinics who bully children til death.”


Sims tweeted a video message Tuesday in which he said he works as a volunteer patient escort at Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania, where he harassed a woman he referred to as an “old white lady” who was praying the rosary outside. He said his behavior toward the woman and his bullying of pro-life teens two weeks earlier — both of which he videotaped and posted to Twitter — were influenced by what he claims are “the insults, the slurs, the attacks, and the racism that those protesters aim mostly at young girls going for clinical care.”

In justifying his actions, Sims said in his message, “What I should have shown you was protesters gathered together to pray at, not to silently pray for, people coming in and out of Planned Parenthood, as they intercepted them and harassed them.”

“I also know that two wrongs don’t make a right, especially on the front lines of a civil rights battle,” he said. “I can do better and I will do better, for the women of Pennsylvania.”

“It seems Mr. Sims is digging his heels in further, refusing to issue actual apologies to the woman in the video he harassed nor rescind his offer for money in exchange for the dox on underage girls outside of the clinic who were protesting abortion,” Johnson, whose transformation to pro-life activist is recounted in the new film Unplanned, said in a statement to Breitbart News. “I hope he comes on Friday to meet us, to understand why we stand out there in the cold, rain, snow, and sun praying for and helping women going inside for abortions. I hope he shows up to have an adult conversation about his side and listen to ours. A Twitter video isn’t cutting it.”

An online petition created by pro-life media outlet Life News is calling for Sims’ resignation and had received nearly 6,300 signatures at the time of publication.

“We call on Representative Brian Sims to resign immediately after this shameful harassment and bullying of a pro-life woman,” the petition states. “If he does not resign, the Pennsylvania state legislature should censure him and take whatever other disciplinary measure that are appropriate.”


Abbey Marie
05-08-2019, 08:59 AM
There is going to be a pro-life rally there today. Probably won’t be covered by the msm unless they can portray the people in a negative light.

05-12-2019, 11:29 AM
Quite the representative they have there! A MAJOR hypocrite though, so he'll be loved by the left.


Anti-Bullying Video Comes Back To Haunt Brian Sims After He Filmed Bullying Girls, Lone Woman

It’s not uncommon for a national politician to have a bad week in the spotlight. Just ask, say, John Conyers.

If you’re a state representative and you’ve managed to become the national political kickball of the week, you’ve probably earned it. And oh, Brian Sims definitely has.

Sims came to the attention of people involved in Pennsylvania state politics or outside of his Philadelphia district when a video of him harassing an elderly woman who was protesting outside a Planned Parenthood clinic went viral in that worst of ways.

It then turned out he’d made a previous video in which he offered to make a donation to Planned Parenthood in the name of anyone who managed to dox three teens who were protesting the clinic.

Rest - https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/anti-bullying-video-comes-back-haunt-brian-sims-filmed-bullying-girls-lone-woman/

05-12-2019, 11:36 AM
Define "dox" please.

05-12-2019, 11:44 AM
Define "dox" please.

Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents)[1] or doxxing[2][3] is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifying information (especially personally identifying information) about an individual or organization.[3][4][5][6][7][8]

The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to Internet vigilantism and hacktivism.

Doxing may be carried out for various reasons, including to aid law enforcement, business analysis, risk analytics, extortion, coercion, inflicting harm, harassment, online shaming, and vigilante justice.[9][10]

Ad some will do much more harm with such information, like "swatting". LOL Need a wiki link for that one?

05-12-2019, 01:12 PM
Ad some will do much more harm with such information, like "swatting". LOL Need a wiki link for that one?In other words, he's telling people to go destroy other people's lives over political differences. Real class act, this one :rolleyes:

Is it just me, or has everyone else noticed this little freshman class of Dem's are uneducated, and uncivilized and have nothing but personal attacks as answers for anything? Question is, are the numbnuts on the right that should be paying attention paying attention? I vote no.