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05-07-2019, 01:09 PM
It's an assault on anything and everything that may be negative, insulting or misleading towards the left. And a token lefty here or there, but not even remotely near the amount of conservatives being removed from all the various services.

This one I couldn't care less about, 'cept for the fact that they killed it even though he followed their rules and also killed his personal account as well. Oh well, I guess he's off to another service. But it's the news services or individuals with massive amounts of followers that leave me wondering. :rolleyes:


Twitter Suspends Ocasio-Cortez Parody Account For Being ‘Misleading’

The war on conservatives continues.

Social media platforms have been slashing away at conservatives for years, often with sneaky “shadow bans,” but now they’re beginning to be more brazen about it. Just last month, Twitter suspended vocal conservative actor James Woods after he posted a quote from poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson.

On Monday, Twitter went so far as to ban — permanently — a popular parody account that mocks Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for all the dumb things she says (like last week when she marveled at how plants grow in dirt).

The Twitter page, titled @AOCPress once had 85,000 followers. Now, the page simply says “This account has been suspended.” The account was created and operated by Mike Morrison, who also had his personal account — with more than 50,000 followers — permanently banned.

But Twitter’s reasoning for the ban was, in a word, bizarre. In an email to Morrison, Twitter cited the rule that “you may not register or create fake and misleading accounts,” Human Events writes. “The tech giant then followed that statement by saying ‘you may use Twitter pseudonymously or as a parody.’ “

Twitter rules require all parody, newsfeed, commentary, and fan accounts to indicate “non-affiliation” in both the account name and bio. The AOC Press Release parody account used the word “parody” in both its account name and biography.

In a rich ironic twist, Twitter implied that the parody account was just too similar to the dumb things the Democratic socialist says in real life (like when she was amazed by a garbage disposal just yesterday).

“Twitter has seemingly gone from removing edgy content to removing an account mocking the new leader of the Democratic Party, AOC. At the rate we are going, it seems likely that every single conservative, including the Never Trumpers and Fox News types, will be banned by 2020,” the ‘Office of Mike Morrison’ wrote in a comment to TGP’s Cristina Laila.

“In the past month and a half alone the account grew by roughly 50,000 followers. We’ve had tweets with over 30,000 likes on them, so I think Twitter decided it was time for [the account] to go. They didn’t like how popular an account created by their political opposition had become,” Morrison told Human Events.

Morrison also had another theory about why he was banned.

As the creator of the parody, Morrison presumes his personal account was banned by Twitter for having mocked their political allies, though many on the service have pointed to Morrison’s Jewish background and the fact he had also tweeted critically of Hamas in recent days. Other prominent Jewish conservatives were also banned after tweeting about how terror group Hamas should be destroyed.

It’s getting weird out there, people.


05-07-2019, 01:21 PM
The rage against the right by those who would cleanse free speech

05-07-2019, 01:26 PM

Twitter Bans Popular Ocasio-Cortez Parody Account; Here Are Some Trump Parody Accounts Twitter Is Fine With

As The Daily Wire reported Tuesday, Twitter has permanently banned a popular parody account that mocked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) despite that account clearly indicating that it was a "parody," as required by the platform's rules, and the company clearly having no problem with similar accounts mocking — often viciously — political figures on the Right.

The creator of the account, Mike Morrison, was told in a recent message from the company that both his parody account and his personal account — which had gained over 85,000 followers and nearly 60,000 followers, respectively — were being shut down because of supposed violations of their rules. While accounts clearly marked "parody" and "non-affiliated" are allowed on the platform, his increasingly popular account poking fun at the left-wing rising star had somehow crossed the line, though how exactly is not clear.

Morrison provided screenshots of the notice from Twitter that his accounts had been permanently disabled to Human Events. In the message, Twitter cited its rules about fake accounts, which expressly states that "you may use Twitter pseudonymously or as a parody, commentary, or fan account":

Fake accounts: You may not register or create fake and misleading accounts. While you may use Twitter pseudonymously or as a parody, commentary, or fan account, you may not use misleading account information in order to engage in spamming, abusive, or disruptive behavior, including attempts to manipulate the conversations on Twitter.

The notification also quotes a section of its rules on spam, stating, you cannot "post duplicative or substantially similar content, replies, or mentions over multiple accounts or multiple duplicate updates on one account, or create duplicate or substantially similar accounts."

Morrison says he believes the permanent ban is politically motivated and driven by the popularity of the account. "In the past month and a half alone the account grew by roughly 50,000 followers. We’ve had tweets with over 30,000 likes on them, so I think Twitter decided it was time for [the account] to go," he told Human Events. "They didn’t like how popular an account created by their political opposition had become."

So is Twitter applying the same standards to parody accounts of right-leaning figures? Here are some examples of recent posts by parody accounts of President Trump that Twitter apparently finds are substantively different than the Ocasio-Cortez account.

Donald J Trump. parody

A couple of examples of this Trump parody account's recent posts, including racist comments and darkly sarcastic "jokes" about the UNCC tragedy:


Donald J. Trump (parody)

One example from this Trump-mocking parody account will suffice: a threadbare left-wing homoerotic joke about Trump and Vladimir Putin. "OMG!! I talked with Putin for an HOUR! He kept talking about Venezula. But I kept talking about our relationship! He Really LIKES ME! Maybe even LOVES ME! I hear it in his voice! I made him PROMISE ME that he won’t see Kim Jung Un ANYMORE! Can’t wait to change my Facebook status!" writes parody Trump.


Donald J. Drumpf

Two examples from this Trump parody account, including, ironically, a mocking reference to Twitter banning conservative actor James Woods. "How can it be possible that James Wood (likes ‘em young), a nutty and irresponsible Conservative Voice who only incites mass killing and has never to my knowledge killed anyone except in a movie, is banned from Twitter? Meanwhile Alex Baldwin is still allowed on S&L. VERY UNFAIR!" writes "Drumpf."



In case these Trump parody accounts aren't enough for you, Wired helpfully provided a list of "the best Donald Trump parody Twitter accounts" a few years back.



No Mocking AOC: Popular Ocasio-Cortez Parody Account Banned From Twitter; Creator Speaks Out

A popular Twitter account mocking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was hit with a permanent ban after apparently gaining too much steam on the big tech platform. The account, which clearly indicated itself as "parody" in its Twitter name, amassed over 85,000 followers before Twitter shut it down for unclear reasons.

The politico who created and manned the account, Mike Morrison, also had his personal account permanently banned. Morrison, who believes the bans were politically motivated, had nearly 60,000 followers before his seemingly unprovoked exile.

According to screenshots provided by Morrison to Human Events, Twitter acknowledges that clearly-marked parody accounts are allowed but Morrison’s content posted to the AOC parody account was apparently too similar to comments actually made by the socialist.

"You may not register or create fake and misleading accounts. While you may use Twitter pseudonymously or as a parody, commentary, or fan account, you may not use misleading account information in order to engage in spamming, abusive, or disruptive behavior, include attempts to manipulate the conversations on Twitter," an email from Twitter said.

"You may also not ‘post duplicative or substantially similar content, replies, or mentions over multiple accounts or multiple duplicate updates on one account or create duplicate or substantially similar accounts,'" the email to Morrison added.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/46867/no-mocking-aoc-popular-ocasio-cortez-parody-amanda-prestigiacomo

05-07-2019, 01:57 PM
When all this hubub over social media banning certain peoples started I was firmly on the "It's THEIR property" side, but a time has moved on and these people have gotten more and more obvious in their leaning I've changed my mind. We now see companies affecting people's ability to earn a living and live in safety simply because they don't like their opinions. It's time for Trump to start issuing orders to the various agencies that could and should be regulating these companies (since we all know that Congress is worthless and will never do anything)

05-07-2019, 02:49 PM
When all this hubub over social media banning certain peoples started I was firmly on the "It's THEIR property" side, but a time has moved on and these people have gotten more and more obvious in their leaning I've changed my mind. We now see companies affecting people's ability to earn a living and live in safety simply because they don't like their opinions. It's time for Trump to start issuing orders to the various agencies that could and should be regulating these companies (since we all know that Congress is worthless and will never do anything)

I basically agree ... subject to caution. This is surely one example of where Trump needs to be tough.

As I've argued elsewhere, though, there is a danger of creating a climate where too much authoritarian 'foot-stamping' results in creating a climate where that authoritarianism becomes an accepted norm, with people buying into it unquestioningly. That's fine in theory, IF you can totally trust the authority involved. But I'm sure that this can't always be the case (... or will we see future Dem Administrations who'll have the 'right' to demand that their diktats aren't questioned ?).

Anyone being totally happy with such a 'norm' becoming commonplace, should be careful of what they wish for.

05-07-2019, 03:05 PM
I basically agree ... subject to caution. This is surely one example of where Trump needs to be tough.

As I've argued elsewhere, though, there is a danger of creating a climate where too much authoritarian 'foot-stamping' results in creating a climate where that authoritarianism becomes an accepted norm, with people buying into it unquestioningly. That's fine in theory, IF you can totally trust the authority involved. But I'm sure that this can't always be the case (... or will we see future Dem Administrations who'll have the 'right' to demand that their diktats aren't questioned ?).

Anyone being totally happy with such a 'norm' becoming commonplace, should be careful of what they wish for.

I share your feelings here 100%, I'd much rather have a situation where people naturally treated everyone fairly and honestly. But that system will never exist.

05-07-2019, 03:57 PM
I share your feelings here 100%, I'd much rather have a situation where people naturally treated everyone fairly and honestly. But that system will never exist.

True enough. Such is life.

So long as the correct balance is struck, though, between the ability to act in exceptional circumstances, rather than establishing an accepted authoritarian 'lead by the nose, don't permit or encourage questioning' form of culture .. Trump's cracking-down exercise is reasonable.

05-07-2019, 04:33 PM
I share your feelings here 100%, I'd much rather have a situation where people naturally treated everyone fairly and honestly. But that system will never exist.

That is so true. However, there are weaklings on all sides of the political spectrum.

The biggest weaklings are on the left, the liberals who cry and pound their spoons over everything
that edges into their spoiled immaturity.

I would rather see an even edge that all can walk in harmony, but as long as we have spoiled brats
crying and threatening action at the drop of a hat, it will not happen.

Unless we become mindless robots of the leftist liberals.

05-08-2019, 10:02 AM
That is so true. However, there are weaklings on all sides of the political spectrum.

The biggest weaklings are on the left, the liberals who cry and pound their spoons over everything
that edges into their spoiled immaturity.

I would rather see an even edge that all can walk in harmony, but as long as we have spoiled brats
crying and threatening action at the drop of a hat, it will not happen.

Unless we become mindless robots of the leftist liberals.

Your last sentence is what chiefly concerns me. An over-reliance on authoritative actions, an acceptance or an expectation of them, can set a dangerous precedent. Yes ... sometimes, you have to act to stem something you see happening in society which needs to be curbed, or controlled. But that needs to be the exception, rather than the rule. Allow a psychology to build where everybody accepts everything emanating from higher authority, then see Leftists take over that authoritative role, exercising its powers to the hilt (and why wouldn't they ?) ... and you might as well give up on democracy altogether.

In such a scenario, what you think is good or bad in society, what needs action and what doesn't, isn't ultimately what YOU think it is, but what you're told is acceptable and 'good'. Taken to great extremes .. individualism still seems to exist, but it's only an illusion. Your thinking is done for you, you accept authorities' actions because 'it's the right thing to do'. You're told it is (possibly with a 'justification' added). Therefore, 'it is'. No argument, no dissent. End of story.

Scary stuff -- seemingly an unrealistic picture ? Well, I see it in action in my own society, and I recently posted on another thread an example of how that has become true. It can happen, if it's allowed to.

05-08-2019, 10:17 AM
That is so true. However, there are weaklings on all sides of the political spectrum.

The biggest weaklings are on the left, the liberals who cry and pound their spoons over everything
that edges into their spoiled immaturity.

I would rather see an even edge that all can walk in harmony, but as long as we have spoiled brats
crying and threatening action at the drop of a hat, it will not happen.

Unless we become mindless robots of the leftist liberals.

Absolutely, positively true. The left seemingly has NO ONE on their side who is EVER going to say "enough, you can't be assaulting people, doxxing people, or even harrassing people simply because you disagree with them" Has ANY of the 45 or so Democratic Presidential hopefuls said anything like that? No and they won't because no one holds them accountable. Trump and other Republicans damn well better condemn every single act of assholery from a conservative or there is hell to pay, but no one EVER asks a Democrat "do you condone this type of activity" from a liberal. Wonder why?

Just kidding, I don't wonder , I KNOW why.