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View Full Version : CNN Invents Dangerous Conspiracy Theory About Trump Refusing to Leave Presidency

05-08-2019, 02:55 PM
With Hillary scrambling the world and letting anyone who will listen anymore, tells them how the presidency was stolen from her in about 40 different ways. Stacey Abrams is telling anyone who will listen that she won the Georgia Governor race, even when someone else sits in the office. :rolleyes: Basically, the Democrat party is filled with that type. And now they are preparing already for another close race in 2020 and finding ways to assault Trump already.

And look at these things that they have ran with, always on 'anonymous sources' and 'sources tell us' and other crap other than actual people.


Nolte: CNN Invents Dangerous Conspiracy Theory About Trump Refusing to Leave Presidency

CNN is so desperate to attack President Trump, the far-left cable channel is now manufacturing dangerous hypothetical conspiracy theories about the future.

Although Democrat Stacey Abrams still refuses to concede the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race (that she lost by a whopping 55,000 votes); although Hillary Clinton still claims she was cheated out of the presidency, rather than report on or criticize those two un-American harridans, CNN is instead fabricating scenarios out of thin air to paint Trump as a dangerous and unstable dictator.

Without evidence, the sinking CNN is spreading a futuristic conspiracy theory where Trump loses his 2020 re-election bid and refuses to leave the Oval Office:

Now, close your eyes and imagine this: Trump narrowly loses — by 20-ish electoral votes — in 2020. He refuses to concede, insists there has been widespread election fraud and notes that Democrats (and the media) have been trying to steal from him since he was elected in 2016.

Doesn’t seem all that outlandish, does it?

That comes straight from CNN chief Jeff Zucker — I mean, one of his ventriloquist dummies (Chris Cillizza) wrote it for him, but that is Zucker talking and I won’t link to it because I don’t link reckless conspiracy theories.

Somehow, after wasting more than five years getting every major national story exactly wrong…

--The Trayvon Martin Hoax
--The Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax
--The Russia Collusion Hoax
--The Brett Kavanaugh Serial Rapist Hoax
--The Covington High School Boys Hoax

…somehow this basement-rated (and still falling) outlet is scraping an all-new barrel bottom.

Think about it, CNN is now peering into the future to spread fake news.

And this actually is dangerous fake news, the kind of conspiracy theory that works as an assassination dogwhistle — and CNN knows this, and Chris “sniper scope” Cillizza sure as hell knows it.

Constructing this kind fan fiction for the #Resistance is a deliberate attempt to smear Trump as mentally ill, as a unique danger to America, which is the perfect way to whisper to would-be assassins that history would declare them a hero.

This is not hyperbole on my part. Never forget this is the same CNN that…

--“Jokes” about Trump’s plane crashing
--Turns a thug who tried to attack Trump into a folk hero
--Publicly fantasizes about Trump’s assassination keeping Obama in office
--Defends a play sponsored by CNN’s then-parent company that depicts Trump’s gruesome assassination
--Routinely and without evidence declares Trump mentally ill and unstable
--Points what looks like a sniper scope directly at the Oval Office

The above is just a shortlist, a glance at an extreme and deeply unstable ropaganda outlet that, as I wrote Monday, “launches almost daily hate campaigns against its political enemies on the right — most especially Trump, his supporters, and gun owners (including rape victims) — and openly encourages and embraces political violence and conspiracy theories to achieve its left-wing goals.”

And now, as a means to deliberately increase hate and paranoia against our president, CNN is accusing Trump of doing something 19 months from now.


05-08-2019, 08:00 PM
Good old CNN. Not only did they win most of Trump's "Fake News Awards" (the only awards they've ever deserved), but their ratings currently put them at 15th amongst cable networks, behind FoxNews, MSNBC, Food Network, Hallmark, History Channel and 9 or 10 other cable channels.

They're also reducing headcount, even though they refuse to admit to layoffs. CNN calls them "buyouts". More Fake News.


05-09-2019, 02:21 AM
These kinds of stories seem pretty common - Obama and Bush both got the ‘they'll carry on after their term is concluded’ kinds of conspiracies in my living memory, I imagine it happened to their predecessors too?

05-09-2019, 10:08 AM
These kinds of stories seem pretty common - Obama and Bush both got the ‘they'll carry on after their term is concluded’ kinds of conspiracies in my living memory, I imagine it happened to their predecessors too?

I don't remember anyone saying Bush or Clinton were likely to refuse to leave office, however I was going to point out that yes there were conservatives who were claiming that Obama would refuse to leave office after his second term was up, and it was just as stupid then as it is now.

IF a President ever dared to try to stay in office, you know what would happen? Come noon on Inauguration day for the new President , the SS wold simply toss the now former President out if he refused to leave. It's just not going to happen and shame on CNN for peddling shit like this, and we have to shame CNN because they have none.

Oh and as a side note, though there WERE conservatives spewing this nonsense about Obama , it wasn't anyone from Fox News, WTF i wrong with CNN , they are intentionally trying to stoke the fear in this country.