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05-09-2019, 11:41 PM
....But this is a very wise move on his part.

From the Curry Coastal Pilot (OR):


I fully support the notion.

Merkley introduces act to stop robo-calls

U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley and Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA)have introduced the Regulatory Oversight Barring Obnoxious (ROBO) Calls and Texts Act of 2019 to crack down on unwanted calls and text messages.

The act would create a new “Robocall Division” under the Enforcement Bureau at the Federal Communications Commission.

“Hardly a week goes by that I don’t get scam calls or texts or my phone, and sadly, most Americans today can say the same,” Merkley said. “These calls are a nuisance at best, and at worst, downright predatory — threatening to put Americans in jail or cut off their Social Security if the recipient doesn’t hand over financial information. Right now, robocalls are the wild west, and consumers are paying the price for this chaos. It’s time for a concerted effort to restore order and sanity to our cell phones.”

Eschoo said Americans received 48 billion robocalls last year and that it’s time for Congress to force regulators to act.

In a recent congressional hearing, FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said robocalls are currently the single largest source of consumer complaints at the FCC.

05-10-2019, 08:20 AM
Even though fundamnetally I wonder what business this is of the government's, I would support this because these companies will obviously never regulate themselves. They can't even respect a polite request to stop calling (Yes Jim I occasionally know how to be polite)

05-10-2019, 04:47 PM
Even though fundamnetally I wonder what business this is of the government's, I would support this because these companies will obviously never regulate themselves. They can't even respect a polite request to stop calling (Yes Jim I occasionally know how to be polite)

I agree, but it seems 9 out of 10 times there is no provision in the robo call to refuse further calls.
Call them back to complain and get a 'number not listed or number invalid'. Totally computer generated.

05-13-2019, 07:49 AM
I agree, but it seems 9 out of 10 times there is no provision in the robo call to refuse further calls.
Call them back to complain and get a 'number not listed or number invalid'. Totally computer generated.

Yep, the no call list is useless against these companies because they have a new number and a new corporate name every time they call.