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View Full Version : Teacher tries to convince 8 year old they are transgender?

05-10-2019, 12:05 PM
Where in the world does such a teacher ever think this is their place to get involved in something like this? It's almost as if they WANT to get involved in order to serve their own agendas. This is WAY out of line and I would sue too.


Oregon Elementary School Teacher Tried to Convince 8-Year-Old Student He's Transgender

It doesn't get much crazier than this. According to KPTV-TV, an Oregon elementary school teacher tried to convince an 8-year-old student that he was transgender. The schoolteacher did this without involving the parents. The result? The boy is now aggressive, depressed, and confused.

The teacher at Nellie Muir Elementary School in Woodburn targeted the boy for transgender indoctrination when he started using the staff restroom after a stomach issue made him feel uncomfortable about using the boys' toilet. The teacher took the 8-year-old aside, spoke shortly to him, and then proceeded to share all kinds of transgender literature and videos with him. The teacher asked the boy several times whether he thought he was a girl and even held him out of recess in order to read transgender books and watch transgender videos. Oh, and to top it off, there were one-on-one conversations about transgenderism.

All this was done without the parents' consent or even their knowledge. It only came out when the boy came home with a book about transgenderism and when he talked to a therapist (while crying his eyes out).

As The Blaze reports, the effects of the transgender propaganda on the boy have been significant:

"He feels different now, he feels confused," the mother told the station, which didn't reveal her identity or the father's identity...
"Still today, a year later, if he plays with my niece, he's a girl in that moment … if he plays with my nephew, he's a boy," the mother added to the station.

Also, the boy now shies away from playing with "girl" toys or playing "girl-related" games and underwent personality changes, becoming more depressed, aggressive, and isolated.

Logically, the parents are suing the school. They want nearly $1 million in damages, which is way too little if you ask me. Their son will have to deal with this trauma for years and years to come. Imagine how difficult puberty will be for him if he doesn't get this out of the way beforehand.

The worst part of the story? The teacher hasn't been fired (yet).


05-10-2019, 11:42 PM
One word response: Sick!