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View Full Version : Ramadan Bombathon

05-11-2019, 01:22 PM
No need to keep up daily, but if you peek in from time to time you will find that during the holiest of all months for Islam, is no different than any other month. In fact, the radical muslims take advantage of this month.

So only 6 days in, there have been 35 attacks and 169 deaths.



Sufi shrine bombing in Pakistan kills at least 10

ISLAMABAD — A bombing outside one of Pakistan’s most revered Sufi shrines killed at least 10 people, including five police officers, and wounded at least 20 other people, officials said, raising new concerns about militant violence targeting a moderate strand of Islam.

The bombing took place Wednesday morning in Lahore, the provincial capital of Punjab, near the shrine of an 11th century Sufi saint, Abul Hasan Ali Bin Usman, more popularly known as Data Ganj Bakhsh Hajveri. Police officials said it destroyed a van carrying police commandos who were providing security at the shrine.

Rest - https://www.sfgate.com/world/article/Sufi-shrine-bombing-in-Pakistan-kills-at-least-10-13829697.php

9 civilians killed in landmine explosions in Afghanistan

KABUL, May 10 (Xinhua) -- Nine civilians were killed and nine others wounded in landmine explosions in two Afghan provinces, authorities said Friday.

In one incident on Friday morning, five civilians were killed and four others wounded after a vehicle carrying them touched off an improvised explosive device (IED) in Nawa Maish district of central Daykundi province, district chief Hajji Baal Khan told Xinhua.

The wounded were shifted to the district hospital and the next-of-kin of the victims were notified, the official added.

In northern Faryab province, four children were killed and five others wounded in an IED blast in a village of Dawlat Abad district on Thursday evening, provincial police spokesman Abdul Karim Urash told Xinhua.

The children were returning after grazing their animals before the explosion.

Rest - http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/asiapacific/2019-05/10/c_138048578.htm

IS militants attack house, kill 8 persons in right coast of Mosul

Nineveh (IraqiNews) A security source informed, on Thursday, that eight persons were slaughtered by militants from the Islamic State group, when the latter attacked their house in the right coast of Mosul.

The source said in a press statement that militants from the Islamic State group stormed the house of the elder of Kawar area, located in the right coast of the city of Mosul, while pointed out that the militants slaughtered the elder, his wife and his six sons.

Security forces cordoned off the area, and transferred the bodies to the forensic medicine department, he further added.

Rest - https://www.iraqinews.com/iraq-war/is-militants-attack-house-kill-8-persons-in-right-coast-of-mosul/

ISIS claims responsibility for suicide bomber blast in Baghdad

BAGHDAD - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Thursday for a blast in Baghdad, saying a suicide bomber had detonated an explosive vest in the northeastern Sadr City district of the Iraqi capital and killed eight people.

"He, thanks to God almighty, entered into a gathering of infidels ... and detonated his vest, killing eight and wounding more than 10 others," the group said in a statement.

Rest - https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/ISIS-claims-responsibility-for-suicide-bomber-blast-in-Baghdad-589309

Five killed in attack on charitable group in Afghanistan

(CNN)Five people were killed and 24 injured in a terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Wednesday, authorities said.

The Taliban quickly claimed responsibility for the attack, in the aftermath of which four terrorists were also killed, according to the Afghan government.

Just before noon local time on Wednesday, the attackers detonated an explosive-laden vehicle at the gates of non-governmental organization Counterpart International in the Afghan capital, said Interior Ministry spokesman Nasrat Rahimy. Images following the blast showed a plume of black smoke rising over the city
Four terrorists were able to enter the organization's offices before Afghan special forces arrived, Rahimy said. During a nearly five-hour battle, all four were killed. Two hundred of the organization's employees were rescued by Afghan forces. The death toll includes one woman and one special forces member.

Rest - https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/08/asia/afghanistan-kabul-attack-counterpart-international-intl/index.html

05-12-2019, 11:26 AM
So.... one day later, 6 attacks later & 29 dead people later - the holy and peaceful month continues for Islam.


05-12-2019, 11:39 AM
I look at the bright side. They're blowing up their own heathen people. Keep it where it is and keep up the good work :)

05-12-2019, 11:46 AM
I look at the bright side. They're blowing up their own heathen people. Keep it where it is and keep up the good work :)

Always the same I think. Use small nukes even. Incinerate one another. Roaches Vs. Roaches!

05-13-2019, 03:06 PM
Another day, another 19 dead & 6 more attacks. Game on, Islam!


05-14-2019, 10:38 AM
Yesterday was quite the peaceful day from the religion of peace - only 5 terror attacks and 17 dead.


05-14-2019, 12:13 PM
Jimmy, you racist POS in the 1500s Catholics killed people....................

Did I do that right Petey?

05-14-2019, 12:19 PM
Jimmy, you racist POS in the 1500s Catholics killed people....................

Did I do that right Petey?

Pete will give you a failing grade - you didn't go back far enough for appropriate comparisons.

And of course I'm a racist, I dared mention that a muslim killed someone. And then I became a racist leader when I continued to point out how much of islam is radicalized and continue to point out their death and carnage that mostly goes ignored.

05-14-2019, 05:03 PM
Jimmy, you racist POS in the 1500s Catholics killed people....................

Did I do that right Petey?

Since when is Muslim a Race?
Muslim is a religion - a sect.

Using the new liberal definition of biological race?

By science definition there are three, Caucasian, Negroid, and Asian.

Try the racist ploy someplace else.

05-17-2019, 09:40 AM
Pete will give you a failing grade - you didn't go back far enough for appropriate comparisons.

And of course I'm a racist, I dared mention that a muslim killed someone. And then I became a racist leader when I continued to point out how much of islam is radicalized and continue to point out their death and carnage that mostly goes ignored.Why can't they at least take out Tlaib and Omar? I'm sure they're the wrong brand or radical shitheads for some other groups of radical shitheads. Throw us a bone ...

05-17-2019, 09:45 AM
Since when is Muslim a Race?
Muslim is a religion - a sect.

Using the new liberal definition of biological race?

By science definition there are three, Caucasian, Negroid, and Asian.

Try the racist ploy someplace else.

For fuck sakes get your sarcasm detector fixed bro. I hate Muslims more than anyone on this board. ALL of them. I'd declare them a cult and ban them from this country if I could.

05-17-2019, 09:46 AM
Why can't they at least take out Tlaib and Omar? I'm sure they're the wrong brand or radical shitheads for some other groups of radical shitheads. Throw us a bone ...

They are both divorced whores I believe, that is a death warrant under Sharia, why aren't their families doing the honorable thing.

05-17-2019, 09:54 AM
They are both divorced whores I believe, that is a death warrant under Sharia, why aren't their families doing the honorable thing.Does it count if you're divorced from your brother?

05-17-2019, 08:32 PM
So here we are since my last update, and it's now day 12 of the holiest month from the most peaceful religion.

So, 3 days later. 14 attacks later & 68 deaths later


05-17-2019, 08:44 PM


05-19-2019, 01:03 PM
So here we are since my last update, and it's now day 12 of the holiest month from the most peaceful religion.

So, 3 days later. 14 attacks later & 68 deaths later


Another 2 days into the peace. I was caught up in it all and it made me sleepy and I missed a day. So here we are 2 days later.

That includes 9 attacks later and 46 dead later.

These numbers maybe wouldn't be so bad in certain areas or... but considering they are during Ramadan, and done via religious actions and terror attacks...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-19-2019, 05:00 PM
Sometimes I regret abandoning this extremely long thread that warned of the coming of the greater muslim presence in USA and the fact that Islam will never stop its murdering until it either conquers all or else is destroyed completely itself. If I recall correctly this thread goes back 7 years. And in its multitude of detailed and verified atrocities that the muslims are responsible for, everything points to a group of people that are insanely brainwashed and viciously barbaric/murderous on their black hearts!
Bur hey, this is "Merica" right.?? live and let live-- even if doing so allows for ones own destruction/enslavement to these filthy vermin.
After all the dem party assures ignorant peasants, ignorant blinded sheep that the muslims are alright and are only peace loving people.
Even as anybody can research the news for decades now and see just the opposite is true and also read what the muslims intend to do.
Read exactly what they are commanded to do!
That is murder until they win and conquer the entire world.
Not a game with these people, it is deadly real and already here infesting our nation. .



Seven years ago, I started that thread. I was viciously attacked by numerous former members here, for citing truth, and reality.
I expect nothing has changed.
Think about these, what is going to happen when they get a nuke and can hit a target they want destroyed.
Do you think they will decide not to do so, even if its an big American city, millions would die? --Tyr

05-20-2019, 12:35 AM
For fuck sakes get your sarcasm detector fixed bro. I hate Muslims more than anyone on this board. ALL of them. I'd declare them a cult and ban them from this country if I could.

I am not 'Bro' for one thing, Slick. If you are being sarcastic, then indicate it.!

Such as: :laugh::lol::laugh2::lmao:

05-22-2019, 06:58 PM

So 3 days later, 14 more attacks & 51 more dead.


05-25-2019, 09:52 AM
Just another day at the office for islam. It should be ILLEGAL in ALL modern, western nations.






05-25-2019, 10:44 AM


NO ...

...this just ... cannot BE !
We all know that Islam is a 'religion of peace' !! POLITICAL CORRECTNESS TELLS US SO. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::lol::lol::lol::coff ee::laugh2:

.. and political correctness is 'never wrong'. Ask any Leftie, if you don't believe me !!

Next time some terrorist scum gets involved in a bombing, or 'hate-preaches', or beheads a victim, or takes over territory, 'ISIS' style, just remember ... they're all 'imposters', every one. Osama bin Laden was a weird, sick old man, much misunderstood, full to bursting with the milk of human kindness, who always somehow thought his favourite Kalashnikov was really his teddy bear from childhood .... :cuckoo:

Terrorists aren't even 'terrorists', don't y'know. They're 'attackers', or 'bombers', or 'extremists'. Anything but really 'terrorists'. We know this, because The BBC Says So ....

05-25-2019, 10:54 AM
I always thought that the Twin Towers should've been replaced, with .....


06-02-2019, 02:09 PM
So 3 days later, 14 more attacks & 51 more dead.


I've been MIA on the subject and the muslims continue their peace. 11 days later, 64 attacks I missed & I also missed 340 more deaths.
